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Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504

Estelle was eating and chatting, acting as if KING’s matters had nothing to do with her.

Out of the blue, Old Mr. Quintin asked Sophia, “Got a boyfriend now, huh?”

Sophia was taken aback, her face turned pink, and she shot Jason a glare, “Did you snitch to Old Mr.


Jason’s cool gaze was hidden behind his glasses, revealing no emotion, he replied nonchalantly, “No.”

Old Mr. Quintin chuckled, “It wasn’t Jason indeed, it was your dad. He called me a few days ago, said

you might be dating, asked me to keep an eye on you.”

“What’s there to watch? I’m not a kid. I might not have had a boyfriend before, but I know how to pick

’em, Sophia mumbled under her breath. Old Mr. Quintin frowned, “Aren’t you going to introduce him to


“I swear, I was planning to bring him today, but he had an important client at the last minute,” Sophia

said with a laugh, “Don’t believe me? Ask Estelle.”

Estelle nodded, “Yep, Sophia’s not lying.”

“If Estelle says so, I’ll believe it,” Old Mr. Quintin set down his utensils and asked seriously, “What’s his

name, what does he do?”

“His name is Robin, a self-made entrepreneur. He started from scratch, he’s really something!” Sophia

was all smiles when she mentioned Robin.

Jason suddenly commented, “So, if I’m an entrepreneur because I have resources at home, should I be

discriminated against?”

“I was talking about Robin, why are you dragging yourself into this? Don’t be so sensitive!* Sophia


Estelle shot Jason a sympathetic look.

Old Mr. Quintin nodded, “Self-made people tend to value benefits heavily, you should be careful!”

“No way!” Sophia was quick to defend her boyfriend, “Robin’s not like that at all. He started from

scratch, but he’s not stingy, in his words, he enjoys the process of entrepreneurship!*

Old Mr. Quintin chuckled, “You’re so into him right now, so you think he’s perfect!”

“He really is great! Wait till you meet him, you’ll see!” Sophia was brimming with pride.

Old Mr. Quintin said, “Alright, we’ll see when we meet

Jason was silent, just munching on his food.

After dinner, while chatting, Sophia was scrolling through Facebook and paused at Orli’s post, it read,

“Welcome Mr. Gilder, hope our future collaboration goes smoothly!”

The picture was of two men talking in a private room. The man opposite, with brown hair, was Robin’s

client from country Y, and the man sitting next to Orli, showing half his face, was obviously Robin. They

seemed to be sitting pretty close from the angle.

Sophia felt a bit uncomfortable. Robin said he was going alone, but he took Orli with him. They were

sitting so close.

Sophia sent Robin a message, “How’s the meeting going? Can you handle it alone?”

About ten minutes later, Robin replied, “Everything’s going well so far. Orli came with me, her proposal

is very professional

Seeing Robin’s honest reply, Sophia felt much better, “Then I won’t bother you, entertain your guest.”novelbin

Robin didn’t reply again. Sophia didn’t mind. Robin was a straightforward person, and he didn’t sweet-

talk or fuss over small details, she was used

to it

After dinner, everyone said goodbye to Old Mr. Quintin and left. Sophia’s apartment was closer to

Jason’s place, so Jason drove her home. In the passenger seat, Sophia casually put a CD into the

player, when the music came on, she exclaimed in surprise, “Isn’t this the old songs I used to listen to

when I was studying in J City?”

Jason was expressionless, looking straight ahead, “Hmm, I like old songs too.”

“Who knew, Mr. Gilder, you’re so conservative “As soon as they left Old Mr. Quintin’s house, Sophia

started calling han Mr. Gilder again.

“What’s wrong with being conservative?” Jason turned to look at her calmly

“Conservative people are loyal, but it doesn’t quite match your style!” Sophia laughed.

“What’s my style?” Jason continued to ask

“You’re more cold, cruel and powerful these words are suitable to describe you?” Sophia tilted her head

and laughed, her smile sweet and playful

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