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Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422

Wade turned to leave, first heading to the kitchen, where Dr. Ollie was pouring the brewed medicine into a bowl. He quickly walked over and said, “Let me bring the

medicine over!”

Dr. Ollie nodded and said, “Wait till the medicinal soup cools down a bit, then let Mr. Jarvis drink it. I’ll g

o get ready; in half an hour, I’ll give Mr. Jarvis his second injection.”

“Got it!”

Wade carried the medicinal soup out of the kitchen. As he crossed the courtyard, he looked back and s

aw Jonathan standing in the corridor, his figure steady as a mountain. This sight gave him a sense of re


Upon returning to Mr. Jarvis‘ room, Estelle turned her head and asked, “Is the medicinal soup ready?”

“All set!” Wade handed the medicinal soup to Estelle.novelbin

Estelle tested the temperature, then began to feed the soup to her grandfather, spoon by spoon.

Just as she was about to finish feeding the soup, Wade spoke up, “Miss, Mr. Lamont is here.”

Estelle paused, turning in surprise. “He’s here? Where?”

Why would he suddenly come over?

“He’s in the back corridor. He’s waiting for you there and asked me not to tell you he’s here,” Wade said


Estelle blinked, feeding the last few spoonfuls of soup to Mr. Jarvis.

After hearing what Janice had said, she had a lot to discuss with Jonathan and

a lot to ask him, but with her grandfather suddenly falling ill, she had no time for anything else.

Now, all she hoped for was for her grandfather to wake up soon. Everything else was unimportant.

Estelle set down the bowl, her gaze returning to its usual

calm, “Mr. Wade, please show him to the guest room to rest.”

Wade replied, “I’ve suggested it, but Mr. Lamont refused to go. He insisted on waiting for you, waiting f

or the master to wake up.”

Estelle frowned, glancing out the window and biting her lip. “Then let him wait!”

Half an hour later, Dr. Ollie came and gave Mr. Jarvis another injection.

Then there was more waiting.

Estelle remained on high alert, occasionally lost

in thought, occasionally chatting with Mr. Jarvis about her and Jonathan’s stories, sometimes mentionin

g what Gabriel had been up to. The long night passed slowly in worry

Finally, just before dawn, Mr. Jarvis’s fingers twitched, his brows furrowed as if he were struggling and

he slowly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Estelle crying her heart out.

As he gradually came to, he gazed at Estelle with a loving look and gave a gentle smile, saying, “Estell

e, this is the first time I’ve ever seen you cry.”

Estelle grabbed his hand, her head down, sobbing uncontrollably, “Grandpa, you scared me!”

“Don’t cry!” Mr. Jarvis tried to raise his hand to wipe her tears, but his arm was too weak. He could

only offer a comforting smile: “Grandpa won’t

leave this world, before your wedding; I just caught a minor illness.”

Estelle choked up, nodding, “I know, Grandpa won’t leave me and my brother.”

“Stop crying. I used to think you

were a bit odd because you never cried, but seeing you cry now, it doesn’t feel right,” Mr. Jarvis said s


Estelle immediately wiped her tears. “I’ll stop, I’ll stop!”

Wade walked in, kneeling at the bed, tears streaking down his old face. “Master, you’ve finally woken u


Mr. Jarvis said grumpily, “I’m not that frail! I just got Estelle to stop crying, and now you start. Do

you want me to rest or not?”

Wade quickly turned his head to wipe his tears.

Dr. Ollie came in, took Mr. Jarvis’s pulse, his heart finally relaxing after a night of tension, and said, “He’

s fine. A few more days of rest and Mr. Jarvis will be back on his feet.”

“I just had a nap, and you all are acting like it’s the end of the world!” Mr. Jarvis said with a frown.

Estelle, her eyes still red, laughed. “Next time you decide

to take a nap, could you give me a heads up?”

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