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Chapter 1354

Chapter 1354

The romantic melody of the wedding blared through the banquet hall. The doors slowly opened, and in

walked the bride, Terry on her arm, clad in white, making her way down the aisle.

Two flower girls walked in front of the bride, each holding a basket of petals, scattering them in her


Kya watched it all, a hint of envy in her eyes, especially towards the little girl with the basket of flowers.

Emily, with a grin on her face, whispered to Kya, “Once the wedding is over, I’ll get you a flower basket


At this, a beaming smile lit up Kya’s face.

Elliott took the bride from Terry. His arm around her, they walked down the flower-lined path.

Cheerful shouted fill the air, and the atmosphere in the hall started to heat up.

Watching the newlyweds, Emily’s heart was a mix of emotions. The Elliott she’s known since childhood

was really married now

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the chair next to Emily. She turned to see Charlie. He looked at her

with a gentle gaze, asking. “Are you feeling better now?” Emily showed embarrassment on her face

and whispered, “Thank you!”

“Don’t just say it with your mouth, have you thought about what I said earlier?” Charlie hugged Kya, let

her sit on charlie’s lap, and asked.

Emily glared at Charlie and said lowly. “If you have any conditions, I’d rather you not help me. I don’t

care what others think of me.”

Even her relatives, even her parents, wouldn’t necessarily protect her fully. Emily had already accepted

this fact.

Charlie frowned and asked closer, “Who did you learn this stubbornness from? You don’t care what

others think of you, but do you care if Kya gets laughed at? As Kya’s father, I won’t let you be


Emily took a deep breath, turning to him, “Are you sure you’re willing to be Kya’s father?”

Charlie’s gaze flickered, and he raised an eyebrow, “If I end up falling for you during these three

months, I might really become Kya’s father. You can give it a shot. Even if we break up after three

months, you won’t lose anything.”

Emily looked at him, “Am I really not going to lose anything?”

Charlie looked into her deep eyes, speechless for a moment.

Just then, the host’s voice interrupted their conversation, and they both turned to the front, dropping thenovelbin


Under the host’s humorous guidance, the bride and groom shared their love story and then their vows,

“In sickness and health, in wealth or in poverty, through youth and old age, I will care for you, love you,

stand by you through thick and thin, till death do us


Beautiful vows always had a way of touching people’s hearts.

At this moment, the bride’s face was filled with happiness, her eyes teary as she looked deeply at the


Emily watched as they exchanging rings, kissing, and were deeply moved.

Maybe, she’ll never have a moment like this in her life, but she’s still happy. She still believed in love.

She sent her blessings to Elliott, hoping he’ll have a happy family, a successful career, and a life

without worries.

Charlie, having been to countless weddings, was numb to these vows and the so-called love. However,

with an accidental glance, he suddenly froze

Emily looked up at the newlyweds on stage, the light shining on her gentle face, reflecting a noble glow.

Her eyes glistened with tears, her gaze filled with sincerity.

Charlie’s heart was stirred. That’s a sincere love for her, an affection for the tears in her eyes.

He reached out, grabbing her hand, holding it tightly in his.

Emily trembled, turning to look at Charlie.

Her eyes were still moist, meeting Charlie’s gaze, and her tears shined brighter.

“Although I can’t understand what you’re feeling right now, I know you need someone by your side.”

Charlie’s smile was elegant and gentle, incredibly touching.

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