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Chapter 1234

Chapter 1234

Terry’s voice came from the phone: ‘Bonnie’s uncle got sick a few days ago; he’s now in South

Hospital. I heard South Hospital has a policy for poor families; they can provide free rooms and other

significant discounts. Can you ask your husband to help get Bonnie’s uncle into a free room?”


Emily Sullivan’s face had slightly changed. Just as she was about to take the phone, Charlie suddenly

swatted her hand away and glared at her coldly.

Emily responded firmly. “If you meet the hospital’s discount policy criteria, you can apply on your own.”

Terry awkwardly laughed, saying, “We don’t meet the criteria; that’s why we thought of asking you for

help. Your husband is the deputy director of South Hospital; arranging this for our family member

shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

Emily dared not look at Charlie’s face; she simply replied, “I’m sorry, I probably can’t help you.”

Terry said, “Emily, your husband should be able to do it, right? Can you help us out?”

Emily didn’t want to lie anymore; she confessed, “I’m sorry, Dr. Martin is actually not my husband.”

“What?” Terry was surprised. “That day at your place, you clearly said Dr. Martin was your husband.”

The car suddenly stopped by the roadside, and Emily’s back hit the chair. She looked up and realized

they had arrived at the supermarket. But Charlie didn’t move; his eyes were filled with a hint of anger

and he was coldly staring at her.

Emily’s face turned pale; she felt extremely embarrassed. She said into the phone, “Actually, we’re not


“So, is he your boyfriend?” Terry asked again.

Emily pursed her lips and said, “No, he’s not.”

Terry was silent for a moment, then said in a slightly displeased tone, “Emily, are you trying to avoid

helping? Even if you don’t want to help, there’s no need to lie. Your mother was there that day; she said

Dr. Martin was your husband. We heard it clearly. Was that all a lie?”

He coldly laughed, saying, “Bonnie is about to marry into your family; we’ll be family soon. You’re notnovelbin

even willing to help with this small matter, and you’re lying. That’s really not cool.”

Emily didn’t know how to explain; her face was burning. “I’m really sorry; it was our fault for lying, but I

really can’t help with this.”

“You could’ve just said so if you didn’t want to help; why lie? You’re a graduate from a prestigious

university; this kind of behavior is disappointing.” Terry’s voice was getting louder.

Charlie suddenly took the phone and coldly said, “How about I help your whole family get in the

hospital through the backdoor? You all can stay there. How’s that?”

Emily’s eyes widened as she looked at Charlie.

Terry asked surprisedly, “Who are you?”

“She already said she couldn’t help. As an elder, you should know when to step back. She doesn’t owe

you anything. And let me make this clear: Emily and Martin have no relationship. Don’t call her about

this again.”

Charlie hung up the phone.

He put down the phone, his profile tight, and he coldly looked at Emily. “You let yourself be insulted yet

you don’t know how to fight back; only when you’re angry at me do you know how to use your mouth?”

Emily bit her lip and said, “He’s my future sister-in-law’s father!”

*So what?” Charlie coldly laughed: “Marriage is built on equality; no matter who he is, he shouldn’t be

so rude and malicious to a young person; you don’t owe him!”

Emily lowered her head and quietly said, “Your marriage might be equal, but for ordinary families like

us, we can’t offend the bride’s side, especially at this time.”

Charlie frowned and looked at her deeply. “So you’re blaming me for meddling?”

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