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Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217

“She’s about to get here!”

Estelle announced, then turned and asked Kya, “Magdalen’s on her way, and she’s got presents fornovelbin

you! Are you happy?”

Kya dashed towards the door, shouting, “Magdalen!”

“She’s not here yet!” Emily said with a helpless smile.

Half an hour later, Magdalen walked in, arms loaded with stuff, and called out, “Where’s Kya? Kya, my


Kya ran over from the kitchen, “Magdalen!”

Placing her stuff down, Magdalen picked up Kya and spun her around, “My darling. I’ve missed you so


Kya giggled like a tickled sparrow, her laughter pure and innocent

Estelle started setting the table, “Go wash up. It’s time to chow down!”

Till give Kya her gifts first!” Magdalen washed her hands and took out Kya’s presents.

Barbie dolls, a music box, all sorts of pretty dresses.

“There’s also a game table, it’s too big, so I shipped it separately. You should get it in a couple of days.”

Magdalen chuckled, flipping the switch to the music box for Kya, “You like it?”

Beautiful music filled the room, and in a charming circus carriage, a princess sat on a unicorn, rotating

slowly with the melody

Kya’s clear eyes were excited, “I love it!”

Emily frowned, “Don’t keep buying her so many clothes and toys. She can’t wear them all or play with

them all!”

“Whenever I see something cute or fun, I want to get it for Kya” Magdalen laughed, “I just can’t help


She then handed a box to Emily, “This one’s for you!”

“What is it?” Emily opened it to find a business suit from Chanel.

“I heard from Estelle that you got a job. You can wear this to work. Magdalen grinned, “It really flatters

your figure and will make you the belle of the office

Tve got enough work clothes. Estelle got me two suits. I have my own. You should keep it!” Emily

pushed it back.

“You can never have too many. Besides, I got it in your size” Magdalen insisted, “Don’t give me a hard

time about it, or I’ll get upset!”

Emily accepted the gift, feeling warm inside.

She was reminded of a saying when God closes a door, he opens a window. She may have lost some

of her family, but the friendship she received from Estelle and Magdalen was enough to keep her warm.

Magdalen also got a gift for Estelle – a delicate necklace. Its simplistic design accentuated Estelle’s

slender neck.

“It’s stunning!” Magdalen squinted her eyes and smiled, whispering to Estelle, “You’ve got to bowl

Jonathan Lamont over with your beauty!”

Estelle hesitated. She hadn’t told Magdalen about her breakup with Jonathan.

But could they really call it a breakup? It seemed like they were never truly together.

She had promised Jonathan to try to fall for him again, to rekindle their past love, but their relationship

fell apart before she could even try.

Today wasn’t the day to discuss this, so Estelle didn’t continue. Touching her necklace, she smiled and

said, “Let’s eat, I can smell the steak already, and my stomachs growling.”

“Alright, let’s grub” Magdalen carried Kya towards the dining room, 1 brought two bottles of wine. We

have to finish them off!”

The table was laden with delicious smells. Once everyone sat down, Magdalen uncorked the wine and

poured glasses full, “Let’s toast!”

They raised their glasses, clinking them together with a satisfying sound.

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