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Chapter 1175

Chapter 1175

Estelle apologized, “I’m sorry, first it was Gwen, and now it’s Yulia. I can’t help feeling I’m the common

factor here. I’m really sorry

“it’s cool, Estelle don’t beat yourself up Mr. Tucker said with a gentle laugh. “In fact, I might owe you anovelbin

thank you. If you hadn’t been there for Yulia, our production could have been forced to shut down! At

best, we would have wasted all our previous efforts and I’d need to recast the leading lady. At worst,

we might have had to close shop!

Estelle smiled and said. “Yulia is fine, no harm done. She should be back on set in a couple of days.

Mr. Tucker, you might want to send someone to deal with the press outside and try to keep the situation

under control”

“know, I won’t let any more accidents happen Mr. Tucker replied, looking at Estelle approvingly. “Yuma

can be hot tempered and a bit of a diva, I hope she hasn’t been giving you too much trouble”

“No womes. Carmela’s amval has kept us from crossing paths too much!”

“Ah, Carmella,” Mr Tucker’s expression was hard to read but he didnt elaborate. He chatted with

Estelle about work for a bit and then let her go.

Before Extelle even reached her office, she saw her assistant Blythe racing towards her looking

stressed Out of breath Blythe exclaimed, Estelle Yulia’s here

She’s here?” Estelle was surprised. Yulia had just had a big scare, and she’s already at the set early in

the morning? Weird!

She calmly said, “She’s here, so what’s the rush?”

She came directly looking for you. From the look on her face, it seems like she’s got a bone to pick with

you. Estelle, you might want to lay low for a bit, avoid her Blythe urged

“What bone could she possibly have to pick with

Estelle raised an eyebrow

That woman never plays fait, who knows what she’s up to today. Craig has already gone to intercept

her. You better go find Mr. Tucker Blythe was almost in tears.

“No need, if she really wants to pick a fight, where can I hide?” Estelle remained cool and collected as

she headed towards her office.

There was indeed a crowd outside her door Yulia was surrounded, looking pissed off, shouting

“Where’s Estelle? I need to see Estelle

Craig was blocking her way, looking serious. “What do you need Estelle for? If you’ve got something to

say, say it to me

“Who are you and why should i talk to your Yulia retorted.

“I’m just the guy who’s going to make sure you don’t get to Estelle Craig shot back

Yulia turned pale with anger. “You think I won’t get you fired?”

Carmella was watching coldly from the side, “Why are you to protective? What’s the worst Yulia could

do to Estelle?

Estelle pushed through the crowd, stepping forward, I’m het what’s up?”

Yulia looked up, then shoved Craig aside and hurried towards Estelle.

She almost ran to Estelle, and without wasting any time, she threw her arms around Estelle in a tight


“Estelle, why weren’t you here soonen?”

Estelle was taken aback. She was about to push Yulia away, but her voice, filled with relief and joy,

made her freeze.

Everyone around, whether they cared about Estelle, were just curious, or were enjoying the drama,

were stunned.

“Estelle, as soon I woke up last night. I wanted to see you, but my pants said it was too late and I

shouldn’t disturb you. I came over first thing this morning and you weren’t here!”“”“

unded hurt. “You saved my life. Anything you want in netumi, just name it, (1) make it happen!”

Estelle was completely thrown off

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