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Chater 1141

Chapter 1141

Henson said helplessly, “Why are you staring at me? I was planning to invite you for dinner. Now who

knows where Jonathan is if you don’t stay? Estelle didn’t buy it. He clearly went to fetch his phone

halfway through.

Jonathan put on an innocent face and said, “What are you guys talking about?”

Without a word, Estelle headed downstairs.

Jonathan and Henson exchanged a glance, a hint of a smile on their faces, and followed behind


Once they got into the car, Jonathan suggested, “It’s about time; let’s go eat!

Estelle replied calmly, “I’ve arranged to have lunch at Emily’s.”

“We can change the plan.”

Estelle glanced at the time and thought, “Emily might be cooking already.”

Jonathan didn’t say anything more; he just said, “You promised me before that once Emily goes back to

Oakdale City, you’ll move back to the Royal Mansion.”

Estelle frowned slightly, wondering when she made that promise, but quickly nodded, “Alright.”

Jonathan was pleasantly surprised. “Emily’s mother is discharged from the hospital, right? When is she

going back?”

Estelle looked at Jonathan in slight surprise and said, “Didn’t Charlie tell you?”

Jonathan felt a bad premonition: “Tell me what?”

Estelle said, “Charlie wants Emily to work in his company; he won’t let her go back to Oakdale City”

Jonathan had nothing to say.

He turned to look at Estelle with a half-smile and asked. “Are you pulling my leg?”

Estelle denied, “No.”

Jonathan took a deep breath, his frustration growing.

But Estelle was in a great mood, turning to look out the window, the corners of her mouth

unconsciously rising.

Jonathan looked at her soft and clean side profile, his frustration and dissatisfaction instantly


That’s just the kind of person she was-capable of upsetting him with a few words yet also able to

brighten his mood in an instant.

As the car pulled into Bright Commercial Center, Estelle unbuckled her seatbelt and was about to getnovelbin

out when Jonathan said unhappily, “Just like that, you’re leaving?”

“Is there anything else?” Estelle turned back.

Jonathan looked at her helplessly and said, “You said you would try to stay with me, but now if I don’t

look for you, you don’t look for me. Even when we meet, we only exchange a few words. Are you

planning to become strangers?”

Estelle’s eyes flickered, and she said a little guiltily, “I did promise Emily.”

Jonathan chuckled, “I won’t make it difficult for you; just give me a kiss and I’ll let you go.”

Estelle was a bit embarrassed, but she remembered their past closeness. She leaned in, and let him

lean in too

Just as Jonathan leaned in, Estelle grabbed his shirt and quickly pecked his cheek

From the looks of it, anyone would think Jonathan was forcefully kissed.

Jonathan’s mood shifted from gentle to excited. Before he had time to adjust to the sudden change,

Estelle was already prepared to leave after the kiss.

Suddenly, he reached out to pull her closer, and his lips accurately landed on hers, passionately kissing


His kiss was very gentle, so gentle that Estelle almost forgot everything around her, completely

immersed in the kiss

He was always very good at guiding her, taking into consideration all her feelings and emotions. Before

they confirmed their relationship, she was often led by his kisses into the illusion that he loved her


After a while, Estelle saw a shadow pass by outside the car so she couldn’t focus anymore and pushed

him away.

Jonation left her lips but didn’t back away, still holding her shoulders. His eyes were locked on her.

“Tomorrow, let’s have lunch together and go on a date in the afternoon, okay?”

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