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Chapter 7

Alpha BlakeI flopped back into my chair after Ryley stormed out of my office. She was a force to be reckonedwith. I’ve never met anyone who could resist my command, pack member or not. I have the largestand richest pack in the wolf world. It’s why I was so shocked to find someone was stealing from me.I could be ruthless. And most of the other packs feared me or they were stu*id. Young and naivealphas who think they could overstep their place, but I always won in the end. I would do anything Ineeded to do to protect my pack, including kill. And to have this little lone wolf challenge me, mademe curious about who she really was. I’ve never heard of the surname Halliwell but it wassomething I was going to have to investigate. Not every wolf without a pack becomes a lone wolf, most would become rogues. And then to have achild and be unmarked? Wolves can only get their fated or marked mate pregnant. So she musthave had a fated, but where was he now? And why would he abandon his mate and child? My jaw was ticking and my fists were clenched by the time my beta walked into my office. I neededanswers but I couldn’t command them out of her. “Blake, you alright?” He asked me, taking a seat in front of my desk. “No. Did you get any information from her son?” I asked him. “Nothing. He did say his father was never in their lives. That was the only question he wouldanswer. You should call Isaac. He should have told you he was sending a wolf,” Luca said. 0.00% 11:48 Chapter Seven. 288 vachers “What did she say to you?” He asked as I pulled out my phone. “She told me her personal life was none of my business. She even fought my command,” I told himand he blew out a breath. “Wow,” was all he said as I dialed Isaac’s number. “Mr. Orion, what can I do for you?” He answered after the third ring.

“First, you can explain to me why you never mentioned Miss Halliwell was a wolf?” I said,emphasizing the word Miss. “Did you not know?” I asked when he didn’t answer. “I knew,” he sighed. “My brother-in-law mentioned it when they met at a company party,” he admitted. “And you didn’t think to inform me of another wolf entering my pack?” I growled. “I didn’t think it was relevant. Her being a wolf, doesn’t make her any less capable of doing her job,”he defended. “It does matter. Where is the father of her son?” I demanded. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen her with anyone besides her son.” I tried to hide my smile when hesaid that. “How old is she?” I asked, that’s something he could answer. “She’s thirty-four,” he sighed. I was quickly doing the math in my head. “Blake, I didn’t mention Ryley was a woman because she has had a hard time in this business. Sheis incredibly intelligent but when 27.75% 11:48 Chapter Saven 1 porschert powerful men learn she is not just a pretty face and the fact that she doesn’t take their s*it, theydemand a man. Usually, she would work from the sidelines and they would believe a man namedRyley fixed everything. She doesn’t like it but she puts up with it because of her son. She’s one ofthe most hardworkin, mployees I have.” Isaac told me. “I understand. And I shouldn’t have assumed she was a male but it doesn’t change the fact that Ihave a lone wolf on my pack lands.” I sighed. And I can’t even command her. “What do you want to do? Do you want me to send someone else?” He asked and Gunner growled,earning me a look from my beta. I just pushed my lips into a line.

“I’ll handle it,” I told him. “Yeah, I bet you will,” Luca grumbled under his breath, giving me a smirk. “But I want her file,” “I can’t afford to have her quit, Blake. She is the best I have. And all her clients return because ofher. I only sent her because you demanded the best.” He said not answering my question. “File. Isaac?” I demanded. “Fine, but she better not find out, Blake. I mean it. If she quits, I’m billing you for all of my losses.” “Oh and Isaac, for the next two months she works for me and only me. Do you understand?” I didn’tneed her distracted by anyone else. “Understood, Blake. She won’t get another case from me. And I’ll remind her not to take on anycases. But she is a hard worker, I can’t 50.27% J 11:48 Dare Bevah, 204 Mars control what she does in her free time.” He breathed out. “I’ll be expecting her file,” I said before ending the call. My beta sat across me with a smirk on his face. “What?” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Do you want to tell me the real reason why you aren’t sending her packing?” He teased. “You heard Isaac, she is good at her job. And she has already saved the pack almost a milliondollars,” I defended. And he grinned. “She’s also easy on the eyes.” “F*ck off,” I growled and he held up his hands. “I’m just saying,” he smiled. “Ryley is the type of woman who demands to be in charge. An alpha doesn’t submit to anyone,” Iretorted novelbin

“You wouldn’t be saying that if she was on her knees, and naked.” He wiggled his eyebrows and Ithrew a book I had sitting on my desk at him “Better act fast, Alpha. She’s a beautiful, unmated wolf, in a pack full of unmated males. And if Iwasn’t mated to my fated, I’d let her dominate me.” He purred. Gunner growled and Luca rushedfrom my office, laughing like a h**ny teenager F**ker. My phone chimed on my desk, telling me I received an email. Isaac had sent over Ryley’s file. Nowit was time to find out what she was really hiding. 76.42% ||| J 11:48 98.64% Chatte “Yes, Alpha,” warrior Aidan answered my mind-link. “Come to my office.”

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