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Chapter 39

Chapter Thirty-Nine Alpha Blake“Dad, you like Ryley,” Aspen said as we walked back to the pack house. It wasn’t a question but astatement. “If I did, how do you feel about that?” I asked him. “I think it would be awesome. They could join the pack and she could be the Luna. And we could alllive under the same roof. It would be so great.” He exclaimed and my heart twisted painfully. I wish Icould have given him those things earlier. He was so excited to have a family. Now I just have toconvince Ryley that she is safe here with us. When we arrived on our floor of the pack house Luca was waiting by the door. He was holding apurse in his hand. “Ryley’s,” he held it out to me. “Thanks, I’ll make sure she gets it back,” I told him. Then he switched to the mind-link. “You okay?” “Just something Ryley said. Her father was an alpha.” I told him. “Are you sure?” He asked me. “She told me she never got drunk as a teen because she had to be an example for the pack. Andthen she was pregnant with Channing. And she didn’t have the desire or the money to drink afterthat.” I explained. “That would make sense. She is incredibly strong. But what happened0.00% 11:50 Chapter Thirty-Nine 1288 Vouchers to her pack?” He questioned. “I don’t know. But I’m going to find out.” I told him. Aspen and I said goodnight to my beta and then we entered into our apartment. Aspen saidnovelbin

goodnight to me before heading to his room. I placed Ryley’s purse on the counter before headingto my room. I stripped off my clothes before climbing into bed. I didn’t want to wash Ryley’s scent offjust yet. I thought it would help me sleep but I think it kept my thoughts awake. I kept thinking about her, even more than usual. I wanted her to be mine. And I wanted Channing tobe my son, be a brother to Aspen. But I didn’t know how to break through the wall Ryley had built. Iunderstood why it was there and I also understand why she doesn’t trust anyone. But I wanted herto trust me. I was trying to piece together the snippets of information she has given me. Her father must havebeen an alpha. And I think her ex was also an alpha. But how would I not know about somethinghappening like that? How an alpha was killed and his daughter gone missing? I was just aboutready to take over for my father and was in the loop but I don’t remember anything like thathappening. “It was also around the time when Mia was pregnant. We were focused on different things. Youshould call your father and ask him. Maybe we can track down her ex and have a chat with him.”Gunner said. “And by chat, you mean kill, right? There’s no way I’m letting that f**k live after what he did to Ryley.And we don’t even know the entire story. We don’t know how she met Walter. We know why shenever joined a pack. She was afraid her ex would find her. But then why would she come here?” Isaid. “Maybe, she figured it had been seventeen years or she knows alphas Chapter Thirty-Nine 289 Vouchers take the summers off from business with other alphas. In most cases, unless there was anemergency, we wouldn’t be hosting another alpha. Or this ex is too far away.” He shrugged. “I wish that made me feel better. But now I’m worried about another alpha coming into the packwhile she is here. I know she is strong but is she strong enough to take on an alpha?” I sighed. “If it came to protecting the boys, I have no doubt. She would do anything to protect them. And shedoesn’t have to for Aspen but I know she would.” I agreed but I was still worried. I didn’t want

anything to happen to her. I wanted her to trust me. I must have fallen asleep, my phone ringing on the nightstand woke me. I groaned before throwingmy arm over to reach for it. It was early in the morning. “Alpha Blake,” I answered, not looking at the screen to see who was calling. “Good morning son, I didn’t wake you did I?” My mother asked. “Mom, is everything okay?” I questioned, sitting up. “Of course, everything is okay, can I not call to talk to my only son, she scuffed. ” “Mom, it’s early on a Saturday morning. If nothing is wrong then why are you calling?” “I’m calling to let you know your father and I are coming for a visit. Aspen has been telling us allabout his friend Channing and his beautiful mother and I want to meet them. Are you finally in arelationship and didn’t bother to tell your mother?” She scolded, and I internally groaned. Chapter Thirty-Nine 288 Vouchers “I don’t know what Aspen has told you but Ryley and I are friends.” I corrected. “Well it doesn’t matter what label you put on your relationship, your father and I will be thereMonday. Love you,” she said before ending the call. “F*ck,” I breathed out to the empty room. Now awake, I got up to get ready for a run. I needed to clear my head. My mother was overbearingat times, and I hope Ryley could handle her. I know she means well she just wants to see me happy but I wish she would stay out of my love life. Before leaving, I grabbed Ryley’s purse. I was going to drop it off before I run around the lake.Stepping outside the pack house, the sun was just starting to rise. I took a deep breath beforewalking in the direction of Ryley’s house. #

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