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Chapter 3

Chapter Three

Alpha Blake

It’s beena hell of a couple of weeks. After noticing some of the accounts weren’t adding up, I sent an email to my friend Isaac. Isaac Miller and I have been friendto be mated to a human, even though our worlds are pretty separate. We don’t go around announcing we are wolves to just anyone.

I was surprised when within twenty–four hours, Isaac’s firm had already located the problem and tracked down the source. Isaac had some of the country’s bestaccountants working for him. After tracking down the person who had stolen almost a million dollars from me, I asked Isaac to send the person whohad uncovered the culprit. I wanted all of our finances reviewed. It’s one thing to steal from me, but no one steals from my pack and gets away with it.

I was relieved when my cell phone rang and Isaac’s name popped up on the screen. When we last spoke, he seemed hesitant to ask the person to relochave other humans in my pack.

“Blake Orion,” I answered.

“Hey Blake, it’s Isaac.” He greeted.

“Isaac, I hope you are calling with good news,” I said.


“My employee has made some requests.” He said and I rolled my eyes. Of course, they would make demands, even though I offereda sizeable bonus. Plus all accommodations will be


“And what are these demands?” questioned.

“A house to live in away from the pack house. Their own office, weekends, and all requested time off. And everything has to be done bythe end of the summer.” He explained. I was more surprised by the lack of demands themself.

“How big does the house have to be?” I asked, knowing already where I would house him.

“They have a teenage son, so at least two bedrooms,” Isaac answered.

“No wife?”

“It’s just the two of them. School is almost done for the year. After they willrelocate for the summer until the next school year starts.” That sounded reasonable. I wouldn’t want to pull my son out of school withjust a couple of weeks left.

“I agree to those terms.”

“Good to hear. I’ll send over theexact date of their arrival after I give them the good news. And Blake, if you have any issues, please bring them to my attention and I will handle the


“Will do, thanks again,” I said before ending the call. I wonder what issues he was referring to.

“Dad, who was that?” My son, Aspen asked, walking into my


Chapter Three

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office. He was the spitting image of me but with his late mother’s, my fated mate’s eyes. It reminds me, I always have a piece of her.

“I finished my exam. I have a few hours until the next one.” He shrugged, taking a seat.

“We will be having a couple of humans as our guests for the summer. The forensic accountant and his son.” I told him.

“Still worried there’s another thief among the companies?”

“One can never be too careful, son. I employed hundreds of people. If someone was able to get through our security, I’m sure others will try or are trying

“Yeah, it’sone thing that sucks about being an alpha’s son. You never really know who is your friend. And the girls only care about being Luna. It’s exhausting.” He

“Why do you think I neverremated? No one could replace your mother, for one, but then all the woman wanted was to be Luna. They didn’t want a single dad. It was just easier to

“Maybe you will get a second chance?” He shrugged.

“And how do you feel about that?” I asked him. I know he missed his mother, I did every day. I don’t want him to feel I’m replacing her or him.

“It would be nice to see you happy again. And I’ll be going off to alpha training next year. I just want to make sure you are taken careof.” He said and I sighed.


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“I think I’m the parent here. Shouldn’t I be worried about you?”

I gave him a pointed look and he chuckled.

“I would be less worried if you didn’t work so much. You need

to get a hobby outside the pack businesses. Once I take over you will have a lot of free time on your hands.”

“Oh, is that how it is? Just going to throw your old man out on his ass?”

“I would feel better if you had a woman to keep you company.” He grinned.

“Fuck off. Don’t you have an exam to study for?” I grumbled, looking back at my paperwork.

“Maybe, but you should think about what I said. You could have a second chance out there. I just don’t want to see you a lonely old man.” He teased.

“Go study before I put you to work,” I grumbled.

“Yes, Alpha, sir,” he saluted me, before leaving my office. He left me shaking my head at his antics.novelbin

“He’s right you know, it may be worth it to visit other packs to see if we do have a second chance,” Gunner, my wolf, chimed in.

“I don’t know. I feel like I’d be cheating on Mia. She died giving us Aspen and then I just move on to someone else.” I sighed.

“She would want us to be happy. She understood the risk of her bringing our son into the world and she still took that chance.” He retorted.

“Because she lied to me about those risks, until it was too late.

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I love Aspen but I never would have allowed her to risk her life like that. We could have adopted.” I exclaimed. He whimpered while retreating and mystomach twisted painfully with guilty. He too lost his mate that day. My son’s birth was the happiest and saddestday of my life. And second chance or not, no one can replace Mia.


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