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Chapter 171

Book Two Chapter Seventeen Alpha BlakeF uck, I hate leaving my mate when she is so upset. I promised her I would keep her informed butthings changed when I received a call from her father. He was now waiting in my office and askedme not to involve his daughter. He wasn’t the one who was going to feel her wrath, it was me. Andthat’s going to make for a very unbearable Alpha. I walked into my office and Everett stood up from his seat. My father was with him. My mother andhe had moved back to the pack and away from the council. He informed me, that more than a fewothers had moved back to their packs. It was no secret that I was going up against the council forwhat they did to my Luna and unborn child. “How is she?” Everett rushed out. “Pis sed, but what did you expect? She is eight weeks pregnant and her mate is keeping secrets,” Iretorted. He growled but I wasn’t in the mood. My wife was pis sed and she had no idea her fatherwas even here. “They know about Elaine,” he confessed and I stopped before I reached my chair behind my desk. “What?” I looked at him. “Our pack is small so finding the people who used descenter was easy but not before one reportedback to the council. I’ve moved her to somewhere safe but I need a place for my pack, Blake. And ifthey had people in my pack, they have people here. They are coming and they won’t stop,” heexplained. I cursed, pinching the bridge of my nose. 000% O < 09:31 Book Two Chapter Seventeen 288 iVouchers Things just went from back to worse. novelbin

“Luca, my office now,” I demanded through the link. “You and your pack are welcome here. But I don’t know how I’m going to be able to hide any of thisfrom Ryley. I’m going to have to triple- check my staff and track down anyone who has been caughtselling this s hit. Did anyone contact you from the council?” I questioned. “We didn’t give them a chance to. We killed their people and left everything behind. I moved Elaineinto hiding and Eli is with her. If we are going to war, Blake, we better do it quick.’ “1 There was a knock on my office door and Luca walked in with his son, Landon, following behindhim. “Where’s Aspen?” I asked him. “He’s out.” I gave him a pointed look. I know he wasn’t at home so where could my son be runningoff to? He doesn’t tell me much these days, but I’m sure his mother knows. “Alpha Everett, what are you doing here?” Luca shook hands with my father-in-law. “We have a situation, Luca, and it’s not good,” I told him. “Landon, I’m going to need you on the streets to find out everything you can on who is selling aspray or pills that mask your scent. It’s to blend into a pack that isn’t yours. And with a pack this big,it’s easy for them to blend in.” I ordered. “Yes, Alpha,” he nodded. “You think the council is hiding inside our pack,” Luca questioned. “I know they are. They came into my pack. They know about Elaine 21.37% O 02 Book Two Chapter Seventeen being a Luna Wolf. The only thing stopping them from taking my daughter is her second chancemate.” He pointed at me. “But how does the council know you aren’t her fated mate? Her fated mate is dead. Is there anyonealive to confirm?” Luca asked him.

“I don’t know but I wasn’t willing to risk it.” “We need to figure out when Luna Wolves start to experience their special abilities. If we knewwhen it started, we could track down any hiding in my pack. They probably don’t even know aboutthe powers they have. Ryley didn’t know she was able to see through people’s memories until shejoined my pack. So that must have started after she got her wolf.” I told them. “I can ask Elaine what she remembers and maybe her wolf’ can help us with some of thoseanswers. I don’t want Ryley to worry about any of this. She has enough to deal with.” I agreed withhim. She has more than enough to deal with. Channing is going back to school soon and she isgoing to be stressing over his safety. “Then the first step is to find anyone who isn’t a pack member. I know there are wolves here whoare not a part of my pack but I didn’t mind as long as they weren’t causing/trouble, but now, theycould be working for the council. I won’t risk it.” “That’s going to take weeks, Blake. And we are going to need more men. Unless you are going toknock on every door of every house in the city,” Luca pointed out. “If that’s what I need to do, then we start tomorrow morning. I will not let the council win this. Theyhave no right to come into my pack and threaten my family,” 1/growled. I was ready to storm thecouncil and kill off the members myself. I knew stopping payments was going to cause someblowback, and I should have expected this. We increased men at the borders/and are stoppingeveryone coming in and out of the 42.38% 09 Book Two Chapter Seventeen 288 Vouchers city. “Blake, you may need to think about asking Ryley for her help in this. With one command, they willopen their minds and she can see if they are telling the truth.” My father said. “You want to use my daughter?” Everett yelled. “In a controlled environment, Everett. I would never put my daughter- in-law or my grandchildren in

danger. I’m not saying, Ryley will walk around unprotected, but people trust her. If we movedagainst the pack, it would look bad. We want to handle this calmly and without notice that there isan issue. She can identify a pack member without saying a word to anyone. Son, I know this isn’twhat you want to hear, but we can’t risk scaring the entire pack without proof the council is here.” heclarified. I flopped back into my chair. “Luca?” I looked at my beta. What my father said made sense, but what if this was a trap? I can’trisk my pack, but I won’t risk Ryley. “You can’t seriously be thinking of risking my daughter’s life?” Her father bellowed. “She may be your daughter, Everett, but she is my mate, my wife. She is carrying my child.” Iretorted, standing from my seat. “I know what she would say, Blake, and it’s not the answer you want to hear. She can help. We canstart small, like trips to the mall and different stores, even restaurants. The Alpha and Luna are on adate, while Ryley is secretly working on making sure the pack is safe,” my beta replied. It soundedgood, in theory, but something could go wrong. “And if something goes wrong?” I questioned my stomach in knots. I didn’t want to think about theoutcome if something happened to her and our child. 69.63% 09.31 < Book Two Chapter Seventeen 288 iVouchers “We won’t let anything happen to her. To everyone, it would look like an outing and we will haveeyes and ears everywhere. Everything will be planned out.” He assured me. “I don’t like this, Blake,” Everett shook his head. “I’m not deciding right now. Landon, see what you can find, discreetly. Dad, you and Luca come upwith a model that I can look over. And Everett, let’s get your pack moved in.”

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