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Chapter 16

Chapter Sixteen Alpha BlakeAfter another long day of meetings, I went to find Ryley so we could talk about this trip she hasplanned. She wasn’t in her office, so I walked the short distance to her house. The lights were offbut there was a faint glowing coming from the front window. The glow would flicker, which I assumeis the TV. It wasn’t that late, but maybe it was late from them. I walked up the three steps and I stood in front of the door. I hesitated to knock. I could just talk withher tomorrow. I didn’t need to come all this way when I would see her tomorrow anyways. “But we are already here. So, will you just knock already?” Gunner huffed. Gritting my teeth at mywolf’s attitude, I raised my fist to the door and knocked. I heard some hushing voices before Ryleycalled out. She answered the door wearing an oversized shirt, that fell off one shoulder. She was makeup freeand her hair was pulled back. She wasn’t wearing pants but maybe shorts? Her shirt came down tojust above her knees. “Dad,” Aspen called out from behind her. Looking around, I saw my son sitting on the couch withChanning. He gave me a nod. “Mr. Blake, come in,” she stepped aside so I could enter the house. I closed the door behind me. “Dad, did you come to watch the movie with us? I sent you a text but you didn’t reply,” Aspen asked. 0.00% 11:51 Chapter Sixtop? 236 Vouchere “No, sorry, I haven’t checked my messages. I came to speak with Ryley about you going fishing,” Itold him. “It’s no problem if he’d like to join us. I’d be happy to have him with us. The cabin is small but cozy.One of the rooms has two beds, where they will sleep and I’ll have the other one. And Walter is

happy to take both of them out fishing.” Ryley explained. “I would feel better if I knew the location,” I told her. “Of course. I can give you whatever information you need,” she smiled, which had my heartpounding in my chest. “Ryley, do you think my dad could come with us? I want him to come fishing.” Aspen asked from hisspot on the couch. “Hey, that’s a great idea,” Channing agreed. I looked at Ryley, she had her arms crossed over herchest and was biting her lower lip. “How about we talk in the kitchen?” She asked, motioning me into the kitchen with her. “Have a seat. Would you like anything?” She offered, as I took a seat on a stool in front of thekitchen island. “No, thanks,” I told her. She nodded and came to stand on the other side of the island. She leaneddown, resting on her elbows before letting out a sigh. “I wasn’t planning on coming. I just want to make sure Aspen will be safe.” I told her, leaning againstthe counter. “The cabin is located two hours north of here,” she breathed out. “That’s close to the Shadow Moon pack?” I asked, trying to remember where all the packs aroundus were located. 18.84% 11:51 Chapter Sixteens 288 wouchers “The lake borders the pack,” she explained and I growled, not liking this trip. “Can you just let me finish?” She huffed. I motioned for her to continue before crossing my armsover my chest. “Even with it being so close to a pack, Channing and I have never had a issue. I wouldn’t have saidyes to Aspen if I thought he could be in danger. Hell, I wouldn’t even take Channing.” She finished.My heart fluttered at her care for Aspen.

“So, you think a future alpha, without his wolf, would be safe there?” I questioned. “As I said, I’ve never had any issues, even when taking my wolf out. I feel completely safe there. Noone from Shadow Moon has ever bothered us.” She answered. שרדBefore I could say anything the boys came into the kitchen. Channing grabbed a couple of sodasfrom the fridge and Aspen took a seat beside me. “So, you coming with us?” He asked me. “We were talking about you going,” I told him. “Mom, Alpha Blake should come with us. The two of you can drive up Thursday evening and Aspenand I can drive up Friday after training.” Channing explained, standing beside his mother. “See Dad, it’s all planned. Now you just have to say yes,” Aspen pleaded. “And whose plan is this?” Ryley was eyeing them bother suspiciously. “We were talking in the living room. This way, you can come fishing 39.13% 11:51 Chapter Sixteen 288 Vouchers with us. And Ryley can relax. I know you are worried about me being there without my wolf.” Aspensaid. “So, she can actually relax,” Channing chimed in and she scoffed. “I relax,” she exclaimed, standing to her full height and crossing her arms over her chest. I noticedshe wasn’t wearing a bra and I could see her hardened nipples through the thin fabric. My c*ckstrained against the zipper of my pants. “And if we are to head up Thursday, what would you two be up to?” She pointed between the two ofthem. Oh, she’s good. I was more interested in spending the night with Ryley alone than in what theboys were planning. I never considered they were trying to get rid of us novelbin

“How about someone tells me the truth?” Ryley said when no one said anything. “Fine, there’s a party,” Channing sighed, caving under his mother’s gaze. “Dude?” Aspen exclaimed and I growled. “Sorry, sir,” he mumbled. “How about a compromise?” Ryley sighed and we all perked up. What was Ryley planning? “I’ll go up Thursday evening, and Blake can drive up with both of you on Friday after training.” Theway my name rolled off her tongue, had goosebumps covering my body. “Does that mean we can go to the party?” Aspen asked, looking from Ryley to me. 57.56% 11:51 288 Vouchers “Aspen, that’s up to your dad. Channing, you can go, if Aspen can go. But there will be no drinkingand driving. Or fighting and you will respect the word no. And that goes for you as well, Aspen. Nomeans no.” She scolded. When she was done, both the boys were staring at me. I wanted nothingmore than to spend time with Ryley, alone but I understood what she was doing. “I want more information about this party. But I don’t see why not,” I sighed, giving in. I realized howlenient I’ve been with Aspen. I’m sure he has been to parties before but I never really questionedwhere he was going. I’ve always been busy. Channing and Aspen fist-bumped before thanking me. They left the kitchen talking excitedly aboutthis party. “Mom, come on. Let’s start the movie,” Channing call from the living room. “Would you like to join us? I can make more popcorn?” Ryley asked, staring at me from across theisland. Her steel blue eyes were staring into my soul, and I could never say no to her. “Sure,” I breathed out. “Grab a soda from the fridge and go sit with the boys. I’ll be right there,” she told me as she wentabout the kitchen making popcorn.

“I grabbed a soda and went into the living room. Channing and Aspen were already lounging on thecouch, so that left the loveseat for Ryley and me. “Dad, you’re staying?” Aspen asked, surprised when I took a seat. “I guess so,” I chuckled. “Now is there anything else?” Ryley asked as she came into the living 74.92% 11:51 Chapter Sixteen 282 Wochen carrying a bowl of popcorn. “Nope, get the lights,” Channing said. With the lights off, the only glow was the TV. Ryley curled herself in a blanket before sitting besideme. She placed the popcorn bowl between us. As the movie began to play, I couldn’t help but thinkthat the next two hours were going to be torture. 9

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