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Chapter 145

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Chapter One Hundred Forty–Five

Luna Ryley

I tip–toed out of our room before the sun came up. I didn’t want to wake Blake after the night wehad and the two weeks of him not sleeping at the hospital. I couldn’t sleep any longer and decidedto make myself a tea. After turning on the kettle, I noticed the time. It was almost time for the boysto be up for school. I wasn’t sure if they were going today but I decided to prepare breakfast. Even ifthey weren’t going. I know the two of them would be hungry.

“You’re up early,” Channing yawned behind me as I was flipping pancakes.

“Even after all that late–night fun,” Aspen exclaimed and I mentally facepalmed. Even in thebasement, the boys could still hear us.

“I’ll put noise–canceling headphones on the list, now pancakes,” I turned around and handed themboth a plate stacked with food. I quickly turned back around and was thankful they didn’t sayanything more. I was loud but I didn’t think I was that loud.

I was finishing up the pancakes when strong hands wrapped around my hips. Tingles spreadthroughout my body as Blake’s hands settled on my lower belly under my shirt.

“Good morning, Beautiful,” he purred against my ear causing me to shiver.

“Dad, stop, it’s bad enough we had to hear you going at it, but we don’t want to see it,” Aspencringed. I turned in Blake’s arms.




Chapter One Hundred Fonty Five

“I put noise–canceling headphones on the list.” I shrugged and he grinned

“Good, they are going to need them,” his lips captured mine as he pulled me impossibly close.

“Time for school,” Channing exclaimed.

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“Wait. I haven’t made lunches.” I rushed out, pulling away from Blake.

“It’s fine. Mom I’ll buy lunch,” he answered. I started to panic at the thought of when was the lasttime I put money on his card

“Mom, Dad gave me a card, stop worrying. Love you,” he kissed my cheek

“I love you more than him.” Aspen chuckled also kissing my cheek. I watched them leave the housebefore I turned to Blake.

“You gave him a card? With money,” I huffed.

“Babe, it’s not a big deal. It’s our money and I monitor the cards. And for the last two weeksChanning’s spending is nothing compared to Aspen He’s a good kid. ” Blake assured me as hewrapped me in his

arms again.

“I don’t want you to stress about anything, baby. And if that means, no more working, then so be itYou have the most important job of growing our pup.” his words had tears in my eyes It was hard tolet go of the control. I always had to worry but now I have a partner who can carry some of theworries with me.

“Okay, but I’d still like to work, but maybe not as much. Are you going to work?” I asked him, finallynoticing he was dressed for the office.

“If next week you are feeling better then you can start working again.

But you need this time to rest and plan the wedding. I do have to go work but I have a surprise foryou.” Blake said before kissing my forehead. I watched as he walked towards the front door.

“Blake, I don’t need anything,” my voice died out when he opened the door and Walter walked in.

“Baby girl,” I rushed into his waiting arms.

“Walter,” I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt so relieved that he wasn’t hurt after everythingthat had happened at Dorian’s pack.

“You are never allowed to scare us like that again.” he squeezed me tighter.

“I promise, never again,” I told him

“Now, we have a wedding to plan.” He exclaimed and I giggled. The butterflies were back at the talkof marrying Blake. But these were good butterflies. The ones that are so excited they want to burstout of you. I pulled back and smiled at Walter before smiling at Blake.

“Stay with Walter until I’m home. There are men outside that will accompany you if you need to goanywhere.” I almost argued, but then again, I needed him to know I was safe. It’s not the same

freedom I had before but I would rather have Blake and our family. Even if it was going to takesome time to get used to the Luna treatment again.

“I will have someone with me at all times,” I promised him. He pulled me into his arms beforepressing his lips to mine.

“Good. Here’s a card, get whatever you need or want for the wedding or anything us.” He handedme a black card. I looked at the shiny new card, shaking my head.

“I can’t take this. This is too much. It’s one thing to pay for Channing


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Chapter One Hundred

but for me, Blake.” I tried to give him back the card.

“Baby, it’s just money. You are growing my child, at least I can do is give you the wedding you want.And everything else you might need. You are also my Luna, and I want to take care of you,” I sighedknowing I had lost this battle. I shouldn’t fight it, but I still want to be an independent person.

“Fine.” I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

“Did you just roll your eyes?” He chuckled.

“Maybe, but I hope you know that I’m not going to be going crazy with buying designer stuff and allthat. I may be a Luna now, but I still can’t pay four hundred for a shirt.” I huffed.

“I’m not expecting you to change, baby. Besides, I like you in my clothes,” he pulled me close andwhispered in my ear.

“Good. I love you,” I kissed his cheek.

“I love you, baby, I have to go but mind link me if you need anything or if anything happens.” Hekissed my lips before he was out the door and I already missed him. I watched from the frontwindow as he walked towards the pack house.

“Miss him, already,” Walter asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

“I do,” I sighed.

“He’s missing you just as much, Ryley. But he has been off for the past two weeks and there arethings only an alpha can handle. Now, go get ready, we have a wedding to plan.”


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