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Chapter 128

Chapter One Hundred Twenty–Eight

Luna Ryley

My heart pounded in my chest as I came down from the orgasmic high Blake took me on. When his teeth sunk deep into my neck, every nerve in mybody exploded. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. There’s no doubt he made love to me. It was slow, sensual, and intimate. Everythingabout our s*x life has always been hard and fast but this is something I will always remember. The love I felt when he marked me as his.novelbin

The sun shining through our window caught my diamond ring just right,making it sparkle and shine. It was beautiful. It was bigger than I would have chosen for myself but Blake chose it. It’s simple with its bigger middlestone with two smaller but still big stones on either side of themiddle one. I’m guessing it’s platinum, knowing Blake. I smiled as I looked down at my – hand.


“Mmm,” his throat made the sound as he drew lazy circles along my back. I looked up at him, resting mychin on his chest. His blue eye caught the light just right letting me see the swirl of different shades of blue.

“Let’s get married,” I blurted out. He chuckled as he raised an eyebrow.

“Baby, that’s why there’s a ring on your finger,” he teased and I rolled my eyes.

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“I mean tomorrow, or even today,” I clarified. My stomach twisted painfully as I waited for him to answer. Did he not wantto get married so soon? Maybe he changed his mind? Doubt filled me as I waited for him to say something, anything.

“Do you not want a big wedding?” He questioned and I shook my head.

“All I need is you and our boys. Walter and your parents. Now, that I think about it, I may need a few days to get everyone here.” I chuckled, sitting back,was still buried inside me. He groaned with my movement.

Taking my hands he pulled me down against his chest. I smirked, rolling my hips.

“How about we have a small ceremony in the garden on the weekend? We can invite only the most important people to us. And then we can havedinner at Under the Full Moon.” I smiled as he pecked my l i p s.

“That sounds wonderful. Under the setting sun.” I exclaimed, excitement bubbling inside me. I don’t remember a timewhen I was this excited about anything.

“Whatever you want, baby,” he voice husky as I slowly rolled my hips down into him. I moaned when hehit just the right spot. I gasped when he rolled us and thrust hard.

“Blake,” I moaned, my nails digging into his shoulders as my legs wrapped around his thighs. He crushed his l i p sto mine before thrusting faster, more frantic than before.

Blake swallowed my moans and screams as I quickly came undone beneath him. It didn’t take him long before his release

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followed mine. He roared before he flipped onto his back and tugged meinto his side, my head resting on his chest. We were both left breathless as we lay tangled up in each other.

“We should go meet up with the boys,” I breathe out, snuggling closer to Blake. He chuckled at my lack of effort to get out of b e d. I didn’t wantto shower and get ready to go anywhere. I felt exhausted but I wanted to spend time with my boys. I have missed so much this past month.

“How about you go have a bath and I will get everything organized.” He said. I lifted upon my elbow to look up at him. I had a feeling there was more that he wasn’t saying but I decided not to push him.

I pecked his l i p s before climbing out of b e d and heading into our ensuite. When the tub was filling with water, I brushed out my hair. I smiled as Ilooked at my mark in the mirror. It was already healed. I brushed my fingertips against the raised, pink skin. I never thought I would have any of this.A mark. Another child. And now I have both.

“You’ve been busy,” I heard Lily. She let out a yawn.

“Lily!” I exclaimed, happy to finally hear my wolf again.

“Hello, momma wolf,” she giggled.

“We are having a pup, Lily. We saw them today on an ultrasound.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to tell you before all that shit went down. But I did everything in my power to make sure they lived.” She whimpered.

“I know you did. And I’m so proud of you. Your strength is

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unmeasurable. The best wolf anyone werewolf could ask for,” I praised her as I climb-ed into the tub. I relaxed in the warm


“And you finally let him mark you,” she squealed.

“You were right about him. He was my second chance. I wish I would have claimed him sooner but it did get the council off our backs. Mebeing pregnant before he marked me proved he was my mate.” I told her.

“True, but if you would have marked him before findingout you were pregnant, it would have also proven he was your mate and they wouldn’t have been able to take you in the first place.” She retorted. Thinkiit, she was right. An ultrasound would have proven I was pregnant before. Ugh. I was there for a month for nothing.

I climb-ed out of the tub, wrapping a white fluffy towel around myself. I towel–dried my hair before stepping out into the bedroom. Blake was sitting onthe b e d looking at his phone. His hair was damp like he had showered. And he was dressed in blackslacks and a white buttoned shirt. The first few buttons were undone, his hard chest peeking out and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. I lickedmy l i p s as I watched him.

“If you keep looking at me like that, we are never leaving this room.” He smirked, looking up from his phone.

“And where are we going?” I asked, walking over to him, I dropped the towel. I giggled as he hissed out a breath.

“I’m taking you out and the boys are meeting us there. Now, go get dressed before I throw you on this b e d and f*ck you until you can’t walk,” hegrowled, and heat pooled in my core

“Fine,” I pouted before turning to walk toward the closet. I didn’t get far when his hand came down on my a*s. I yelped, jumping away from him.

“Blake,” I scolded.

“That was for teasing me, my Luna.”

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