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Falling For The Contract Bride Chapter 350

Chapter 350 Sincere Gaze

Mu Zhi’s workplace was not located in the busiest part of the CBD. Thus, the top-floor café was not aplace where they could enjoy City A’s magnificent scenery. But for some reason, they were presentedwith a different view.

The café was surrounded by an old, suburban residential area. They could see the clothes left in theyard for air-drying. Some cats were walking languidly along the fence, and there was a junior school ina fair distance away. The class had just finished, and the kids were happily chasing after each other inthe school compound.

Time felt like it had slowed down, and the neighborhood felt livelier than ever. Mu Zhi had not seen aworld like this. She also didn’t expect Lu Jinye to be this type of person.

Judging from his success, Mu Zhi surmised that his schedule was as busy as Xie Xiu’s. Xie Xiu wouldwork ceaselessly and frequently did not go home, but Lu Jinye was unexpectedly enjoying coffeeleisurely during work hours.

Mu Zhi could not help but be intrigued by the juxtaposition of the two images. Seeing as how much LuJinye had cared for her, she believed that he must have spent even more time on his wife and children.

What a blissful sight that was.

Mu Zhi came back to her senses and looked at Lu Jinye and said solemnly, “You must have sharedmany peaceful moments like this with your family when your wife was still around.”

Lu Jinye let out a remorseful look, heaved a sigh, and said, “Nah, we didn’t get the chance.”

“Why not?” Mu Zhi stared at him curiously.

After blurting the words, Mu Zhi suddenly remembered that his wife had passed away.

“Sorry,” She promptly added.

Lu Jinye locked his eyes on Mu Zhi and responded seriously, “There’s nothing to be sorry about. Mywife isn’t dead. I only wish that she could quickly return to my side, so the both of us will lead a blissfullife.”

“And do what we didn’t get the chance to do.” He continued.

However, Mu Zhi was wordless. She struggled to muster an appropriate response.

The wife that Lu Jinye was referring to – should be her.

She hesitated for a long time before saying, “Mr. Lu, if you don’t insist on touching the topic of love, Ibelieve we could be friends.”

Lu Jinye sighed sorrowfully without saying another word.

He brought the coffee to his lips and took a sip silently.

Lu Jinye was contented to have Mu Zhi sitting with him, even when they weren’t doing anything. Hethought it was a precious moment and wanted to cherish it.novelbin

Naturally, Lu Jinye didn’t want to tear apart this treasurable moment they shared.

Even though she was eager to spoil it, he didn’t have the heart to go along with her.

Thus, he sat quietly.

Seeing that Lu Jinye kept mum, she threw her gaze out the window once again at simplistic lifestyle.She peered down on the streets to watch the hustle-bustle.

She fell into a day-dream until Lu Jinye’s ringtone pierced the peaceful silence.

He glanced at the caller, then immediately answered the call, “Hello?”

“Mr. Lu, we’ve found the whereabouts of the woman you told us to look into.” The man said softly.

“Where?” Asked Lu Jinye calmly.

The man replied, “In a villa at the Baiyun Suburb, not far away from Mr. Xie’s residence, which meansit’s just nearby Miss Mu. It took a while to locate it. Besides, Miss Rao Xue seems to be plottingsomething recently.”

“You must watch her closely. If she makes any move, let me know at once.”

Lu Jinye ordered with a frown.

Following that, he hung up the call.

The surrounding was tranquil, so Mu Zhi could hear every word that Lu Jinye had said.

She was fazed, then asked doubtfully, “Rao Xue?”

Lu Jinye put his phone away and nodded at her solemnly. “I’ve been looking into Rao Xue’swhereabouts recently. I understand that she’s only used you to challenge Xie Xiu’s limits so far, but I’mstill worried about you, so I sent my men to monitor her.”

“It’s a pity that I’ve been spending most of my time in the development of healthcare welfare andmedia. I haven’t looked into weapons, hacking technology, and tracking equipment. So, I’m not wellversed in tracking, thus it took some time and effort to find Rao Xue.”

His words moved Mu Zhi.

She bit her lips and asked, “Why would you do this?”

Lu Jinye looked at her with a sincere gaze and said, “I think you know why.”

Mu Zhi met his unwavering gaze. They locked eyes for a long moment, and she could tell that he wasserious from his expression.

Lu Jinye’s sincerity had made her start to believe the truthfulness of his love.

But when she was reminded of Xie Xiu, Mu Zhi forced herself to retract her gaze rationally withoutshowing too much emotion.

She pretended to check the time, then rose to her feet, and said, “I need to get back to work. I can’tspend too much time here. I’ll buy you coffee when we get the chance, Mr. Lu, see you.”

Finishing what she had to say, Mu Zhi scrambled to leave the café as though fleeing a scene.

Lu Jinye watched her as she bolted.

He had been reminding himself that he had plenty of time, and he shouldn’t make it too obvious that hewas pursuing Mu Zhi.

However, his rational mind would crumble every time Mu Zhi was in front of him.

She was his beloved woman! There was no way he could bear to watch her ignorance without doinganything.

But he was afraid that his aggression would force her away.

Thus, he could only stay patient, gradually approach her, and slowly melt her heart.

It was less than an hour away from the end of the workday when Mu Zhi returned to the office. Shefound it incredibly difficult to focus on work and ended up leaving work in a trance.

Apart from his speech, Lu Jinye also moved her heart with his sincere gaze.

He had convinced her that everything he said was true.

At home, Lu Jinye’s gaze ceaselessly bombarded her mind until Xie Xiu came home.

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