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Chapter 71

Chapter 71

| hear the sound of gunshots ringing out behind us, of footsteps-

At some point, something tugs on the back of my dress but then

it's gone -

When we reach the treeline | look back, just a moment, and see that there’s a body behind me what tried to grab me —Kent is about halfway behind us, running too, squeezing off live fire as he goes at dark forms chasing him from the club —Suddenly, though, he stumbles, grabbing his arm-

“Daniel!” | shout, slowing, trying to turn back-

“Come on, Fay!” Daniel yells, gripping my hand harder and yanking me forward.

“But your dad —”

“He told us to go! Don’t turn back!”

| hesitate, but the decision is made for me as Daniel’s hand pulls me forward, locked around mine. | follow him, my breathcoming fast and sharp in my chest, an ache rising in my muscles as | push,

push.Chapter 712/5

As we go, it gets quieter. We run through a small set of woods, across the soft green grass of some golfing greens — eventhrough

and over a tiny creek that stands in our way as we head towards another set of trees — this one larger, a copse of pine.When we're under their boughs, | fall to my knees.

“Please,” | pant, putting my hands down on the ground as well, ignoring the spikes of old dry needles that press into my palms.and legs. “Please, Daniel-” | say, sucking air into my lungs “I just need — just one minute —”

“Okay,” he says, crouching down next to me, looking around warily. “I think...1 think we may be okay for now we may have lostthem —”

| nod, agreeing, but not really knowing whether or not he’s right. | concentrate on the ground, on getting air back into my lungs,the sweet feel of it bringing clarity to my thoughts, to my panicked


“What was that,” | ask, looking up at Daniel with worry and horror on my face. He’s much calmer than me, both physically andmentally. “How are you so okay — have you done this before?!”

He shrugs. “Once or twice,” he says, putting a hand on my shoulder. “It doesn’t get...better. But you stop being so shocked, afteryour first time.”

Chapter 713/5

| laugh ruefully, then, realizing that Daniel means that this won't be the last time this happens to him, or to me. This is part of thelife.

| open my mouth to ask more when a dark figure comes into sight. Both Daniel and | scramble back-“It's fine,” the figure says, coming forward and stretching out a hand. My fear subsides when | recognize Kent's voice.“Dad,” Daniel says, rushing over to him. “Are you all right?”

“I'm fine,” Kent growls, but | can see that he’s clutching his left arm with his right hand. Daniel bends down to look at it but Kentflinches away. “Seriously, it’s not deep,” he murmurs. “The phone is in my pocket,” he says next, nodding down at his suitcoat.“Get it out, text Carlos. Drop a pin to let him know our location and tell

him to meet us.”

Daniel nods, taking the phone out of his father’s pocket and following his instructions. As he does, Kent turns his eyes to me.“Are you all right, Fay? You’re not hurt?”

| shake my head no, but then realize that I’m trembling all over. Hewatches me closely. “Um,” | say, trying and failing to put a smileon my face. “I’m really okay? | don’t know why...” | look down to survey my shaking limbs, “I don’t know why I’m shaking?”

“You're in shock,” Kent murmurs, coming closer to me and going down on one knee so that we're face to face. He looks me inthe

eye. “I need you to take a deep breath, Fay,” he says. | open mynovelbin

Chapter 71

mouth to protest — | don’t know why- but he interrupts.

“No,” he says sharply. “No arguments. Just look at me.”

| do. | lock eyes with him, taking in his serious face, his steely control. The gun still clenched in his left hand.God damnit, | start to shake harder.


“With me, Fay,” he says, holding my gaze, speaking softly. “One,” he says, taking a deep breath in. | do the same, pulling asmuch air into my lungs as | can. When he exhales, | exhale.

Then, again. “Two,” he says, taking another deep breath. | do thesame.

We continue like that for a while, until count fifteen, when Danielinterrupts.

“Okay,” he says. “Carlos is here —" hepoints into the darkness bevaad inegrove of trees; about ite hundredfaet'tha way, there's a road. Carlos ison it. He says it’s clear.” The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Let's go then,” Kent says, standingup. | stand up with him. He brea

my gaze for a morrintt tole outthe guns ania who hesitates andtakes it. Then, with his freehand-slick with blood, | The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

notice — he takes mine.

Kent nods to me. | nod back. And then the three of us quietly walk through the night, Daniel running point, Kent walking quietlynext

Chapter 71tome.5/5

| look down at our joined hands, then,as we head towards the ca that willtake us metarsaters-an wonder,pissingly, why it is Kent who holdingmy hand right now. And not Daniel.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

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Chapter 72

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