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Chapter 67

Chapter 67

“Um,” | say, hesitating a little. “I think I'd like to...visit the bathroom,” | say, “before | take that on.”

“Of course,” Kent says, turning with me, putting a hand on my back to show me the way.


“Dad,” Daniel says, his face frustrated as he steps in front of us. “I'll take her,” he says, shaking his head. “You've been kind ofhovering all night —”

“Nonsense,” Kent says, frowning at him and nudging me forward. As a trio, we head towards the alcove with the little restroomsign.

Daniel pushes the point further.

“Seriously, dad,” he murmurs, “you can go, I'll stay by her side — I

can handle this —”

“No, you can’t Daniel,” his father snaps, taking an aggressive step

towards him, cutting me off in my path. “You have no idea what

the politics are in this room — who it might be dangerous for her to

talk to who is out for blood, who could be a possible friend.”

Daniel's face twists, angry. “And whose fault is that, dad?” he asks, his voice hurt and stubborn. “You never involve me in these

conversations, you never

Chapter 67


“It's your fault, Daniel,” Kent snarls, Daniel falling silent. “It's your

fault. Before tonight you’ve never been interested in the family business — always more interested in college, and books, and

whatever the hell it is you do all day. And tonight, because she’s here —“he throws out a hand towards me, “what, suddenly youknow what you're doing in this world? Suddenly you're a boss, a Don, in the business?”

Daniel frowns at his father, crossing his arms across his chest, clearly hurt. “I can handle myself,” he says, still angry but a littlecowed. He knows, deep down, that his father has a point.

Kent opens his mouth to speak again but | push past him, eager to get away. “Um, I’m going to go to the bathroom,” | say,looking over my shoulder at them. “While you two...sort this out.” They ignore me, turning to continue the argument even in myabsence.

When | come out of the bathroom a few minutes later, Kent is still standing there, but Daniel is not.“Where did he go?” | ask, looking around for him.

“He went to cool off,” Kent murmurs, his arms crossed. | can tell he’s still pissed, but he’s putting on a controlled front foreveryone in the room.

Just then, a waiter at the front of the room rings a gong. | jump and blink a little at the noise, surprised. What the hell does thatmean?

Chapter 673/3

Apparently, everyone else knows, because they start to filter away towards tables. The waiter scurries over to us, bowing a little.“If

you would please, sir, miss,” he says, gesturing towards the head table. “Just this way.”

Kent nods and we follow him to along rectangular table with just threeseats left. | wateh\ax.the waiter pullsout the rHhest chair, gesturingtowards it with a smile and lookingdirectly at me. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| glance back at Kent, who gives me asmirk. | narrow Woe? all

li e-knawingthat és not going tonovelbin

be of any help. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

With that, | sigh, thanking the waiterand sinking into Sede) seated! |i ectlynees 1X0) ik in, my newicked stepmother. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


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Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father1/3

Chapter 68

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