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Chapter 54

Chapter 54My gaze shifts to his mouth, watching it form his words. “I'd

recommend, Fay,” he says softly, “that you stay on my good side. Then you can have more rewards.”

Achill runs down my spine and a darker part of me one that hasn’t raised its head for awhile wonders which one, really, |want more.The horse nickers softly, nudging at the pocket of Kent’s coat.Kent turns his attention away from me, chuckling. “All right, boy,you've found me out,” he says, reaching into the pocket andproducing two sugar cubes. He holds them out to the horse, whoeats them eagerly from his palm.Then, Kent produces two more sugar cubes and hands them to1. me. “To get your friendship off right.”Kent takes a few steps back as | feed the horse, enjoying thefeel of his coarse little mouth hairs against my palm. When he’s finished eating, | go back to petting him, marveling at thisbeautiful creature. | can’t believe that he’s mine.A few minutes pass in silence as Kent lets me get to know my new friend. Then, | hear his voice again.“What will you name him?” Kent asks, still watching me from theChapter 54doorway.2/3“Hmm,” | say, considering it, looking at the horse. Then, | decide. “Heathcliff,” | say.Kent laughs at me and I turn to give him another little glare.“What? You don't like it? What’s wrong with it?”“Such an ugly name,” he says, but there’s no real bite in his words, “for such a beautiful horse. Why did you pick that?”“Because,” | say, turning to Heathcliff and smiling lovingly into his

face. “Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same,” | say, brushing his forelock away from his rich brown eyes. As ifhe understands me, Heathcliff presses his nose to my chest.

A beat passes and then | look back to Kent, curious as to why he

doesn’t tease me further.

“Well well,” he says slowly. “The young lady has read her Bronté, at least. Though | do wonder if such a great passion is a bitwasted on a horse.”

| blink at him, shocked, really, that he understood my reference. | wouldn’t have thought Wuthering Heights was on the readinglist. for the Mafia King. Then, | speak without thinking. “Well, | suppose that until a greater passion reveals itself, | will spend allmy love on


Kent lifts himself from the wall, standing solidly in the stable

Chapter 54


doorway with his arms crossed. “I wonder what my son would say to that,” he says, low and soft.

| blink at him, panicking suddenly as | realize my mistake. | have just tacitly admitted that there is no passion between me andDaniel.

Neither of us say a word for minute, but then Kent turns away. “Come,” he says, looking back towards the parking lot. “That’senough for now. You can come back in the morning, I'll have my trainer here. We'll see whether or not you can ride.”

| take a quick moment to lay a kiss in the whorl of hair right in the

middle of Heathcliff's forehead. ‘IIbe back Soon, Lwhigder totheopniands Sh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

him. “I'll bring you apples.” He knickers in friendly response as |bolt the stable door and hurry after Kent.I stare at the barn until it fades from my sight. Then, | turn back

to the front of the car, steeling myselffor the return to Kent's wor do mBecause tonight lidhow, he and myfathe} have arranged something elsefor me. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Perhaps the horse was just a way tobutter me up, get me @mKent’s gobdside belsré the real trial. The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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Chapter 55

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