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Chapter 51

Chapter 51

| had smiled at her and declined the treatment. What, really, was

the problem of looking fifty when you're fifty? After all, Kent was forty and he looked —Well. | cleared my throat and moved my thoughts on to something else.

| am less tempted by the enticements of Fiona’s super—feminine lifestyle, | think, because | already had a sister who delved intoall

of that sort of stuff. Sure, strippers are all about being sexy while being a mafia side piece is all about being luxe, but there wassome overlap. And it just wasn’t for me.Instead, | missed my work. Missed going to the office to meet with

my colleagues, missed helping people, even missed going to the prison to interview inmates — though | never thought I'd missthat.

| missed going to the coffee shop, missed studying and findingnew books. And while Kent has given me free reign to order anybooks- or really, anything | want — it’s just not the same.

| miss my life. And I’m terribly, terribly bored.

Kent and Daniel know, of course. Daniel because I’ve told him andKent...well, because Kent knows everything. | stopped begging

him for a little freedom a while ago the answer was always no.

Now, | mostly plead wordlessly, with my eyes, my expression.Chapter 51

He knows I’m miserable here, but he still won’t let me out.


I'm staving off my boredom, today, by painting my toenails in theback garden. Fiona has given me an elaborate manicure kit, telling

me to practice, so my feet and hands are far, far more polished than they’ve ever been. | sigh as | finish painting a lavendersheen

on my pinkie toe. What the hell am | going to do next?

| jump, then, as a box smacks on the ground next to me — a bigone, as long as my arm. | look up at the back door with wide eyes,shocked to see Kent standing there, leaning against the framewith his arms crossed.

“Put those on,” he says. “We have somewhere to be.”novelbin

Frowning, | lift the box into my lap and open the top, gasping alittle as | see a pair of the most gorgeous boots. They’re tall, nearlyknee-high, and made of supple black leather with a delicate littlebuckle around the ankle.

“Where are we going?” | ask, my face lighting up. Honestly, | don’tcare — out of the house it sounds like, so I’m thrilled either way.“You'll see,” he says, turning and heading towards the garage.“Meet me by the car when you're ready.”

| quickly pull on my socks, not caring that it will ruin my pedicure,and then tug the boots on as quick as | can. | have to force myfoot in all the way to the bottom, tugging hard at the top — there’s+

Chapter 51


no zipper to help. But, when | finally get them on, they fit perfectly.As usual, Kent has guessed my size to perfection.

| admire the boots for a moment and then spring to my feet,running to the car.

Kent drives us in silence to whereverwe're going, but | do note. the subtlesmile playing on his lips. I’ve stoppedasking about our degtiqation ? idnever, tésO 80 Tjust spend my timegazing out at the landscape as wepass. We're out of the city now-justabout fifteen minutes, really- but howl've missed the sight of a variety ofnature beyond what Kent's little backgarden can offer. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

I'm surprised to see him slow in whatseems like the middle of nowhere,

turning towards a ey gravel\drivepe de Ret gate. Hepresses a button on the roof of thecar and the metal gate slowly swingsopen. | look closely, but | can’t seeanything beyond it. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Are we here?” | ask, frowning at him.

He looks at me and nods. | see thathe can't help but s Hea littecsoln

Ss i taq aydlste tlh my seat,looking eagerly out the The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

windshield. Then | just wait, a little breathlessly, to see where he’staken me.



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Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father

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