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Chapter 46

Chapter 46

| scramble, shrieking, trying to get free, but he holds me fast. He grabs me by the hair at the back of my neck, forcing my headback, my face turned up towards his. | pant, in his arms, pinned against him, finally still. “What did | tell you to do, Fay?”

“My phone!” | gasp, remembering my rationale for being there. “I forgot my phone!”

“You deliberately disobeyed me, Fay,” he says, walking forward a few steps, pressing me backwards, my feet working to keep upas | feel the door to my bedroom press into my back. It swing opens and then, suddenly, we're in my room.

Kent kicks the door shut and pushes me up against the wall. My breath comes fast then- | almost hyperventilate —“Calm down, Fay,” he says, his body pressed against mine. | blink

up at him, realizing that he’s completely calm. That he’s been

completely calm this entire time.

It takes a minute, but | force my breath to come slower. | look up into his face and he watches me, his fingers loosening in myhair, beginning to stroke slowly at the base of my neck.

| can’t tear my eyes from him as he brings his face close to mine. “Did you like watching me work, Fay?” he asks, his voiceChapter 46


| feel my lip starts to tremble. | see him look down at it.

“Do you know what happens to people who watch me whenthey’re not supposed to?” He murmurs, his voice tipped with arazor’s edge.

Slowly, | shake my head no.

He brings his mouth close to my ear, the stubble of his jawbrushing against my cheek. “They get punished,” he whispers.2/3

My breathing grows heavier at this. | can feel my breath matching up with my pounding heart, my chest pressing against his. |know.

he can feel it too.He withdraws his mouth from my ear, looking at me again, a cruel

smile lighting his lips. “What is it, Fay,” he murmurs, wondering.

“It's almost as if, disobeying me likethat, you want meitsunish Thecentént!i Sh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

you...| close my eyes as a moan slips out of my mouth when he says.

that. God damnit — god damnit - mywhole body goes loose in hisarms,presse gainsthink 42teady achebuilds at the apex of my thighs, and,suddenly, | know that I’m wet for him.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!novelbin

| feel horror cross my face, shame —god, what was wrong (with einopnients Sh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Chapter 46

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