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Chapter 342

Chapter 342

"I'm sorry too," I murmur, sniffing, my voice thick with my crying. "I should I should trust you

"No, what I said was unforgivable," he murmurs against my hair.

"Well, yeah," I say, whipping my head up to glare at him a little while I wipe at my face, an act that makes him smile in relief. I think he's more comfortable with me mad than he is with me sobbing. "Seriously, Kent?" I ask, taking his lapels in my hand, "is that what you think of me, what you want from me? To just sit around and look pretty and wait for you to

"No, Fay," he says, taking my face in his hands and shaking his head. "That was...horrible. I didn't mean it. That's not what I think and not what I want. I should trust you more too. I'm sorry."novelbin

And then I'm nodding, accepting it, understanding that we both regret everything about the past two days, and then I'm on my toes, reaching for him, and he understands, because a moment later his mouth is on mine - hard, and fast, and desperate.

It only takes a second for Kent to lean down before he has an arm under my ass, lifting me up so that I wrap my legs around his waist, and then he takes a step forward to seat me on his desk-

> Chapter 342


Things move fast from there, everything a blur as Kent kisses me deeper, hungrier than I've felt him in weeks, his mouth never leaving mine but somehow - and I have no idea how managing to pull my pants down from my hips, to unbuckle his belt and push his own pants down -

And I want it - want every moment of it, because this - this is always where Ként and I have come together. No matter what our fight, or our tension, physical connection has always allowed us to find steady ground.

Our So it isn't even a question for me when I reach down between us to take Kent's heavy, hard cock in my hands, to guide it towards my core, to press him closer to me by tightening the leg that's still looped around his hip-

Because I want him Now.

Hard, and fast, and thick -

Kent groans and shudders as he sinks into me, as he begins to pulse -

But both of us freeze in an instant as we hear the knock at the door.

And then our eyes flash immediately to the knob which, to our horror, begins to turn.

"Fuck," Kent hisses, immediately pulling out of me and yanking Chapter 342


me off the desk as my panic sets in, as the door begins to swing open-

Because I didn't fucking lock it, did I?

And then, to my shock, Kent presses his hands down on my shoulders, hard- forcing me to my knees -

And then he throws himself into his chair, rolling it forward to where I'm sitting –

And then he kicks me - actually kicks me But suddenly, as I hear the door creak fully open - I understand.

And I crawl backwards, as fast and as silently as I can, tucking myself into the hollow under Kent's desk as he rolls the chair forward, his knee the pressed uncomfortably up against my face.

But I don't protest because I know that tucked under like this

as long as whoever is coming in doesn't coming around to his side of the desk - they can't see me, or the faet that he's sitting in his chair half naked.

I've barely tucked myself under the desk when I hear the door stop its creaking.

My heart pounds as I hear footsteps cross the room halfway.

"Ah, Kent," Alessi says, making my breath catch in my throat. my throat, "Uplate tonight, are we?

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