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Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Kent stares at me for a moment, going completely still - not even blinking. I think he even forgets to breathe.

And then he hauls in a hard breath, choking on it a little as he take a stumbling step back. I can't help but laugh, thrilled a little at the result. It's not often that anyone sees Kent Lippert off balance, and I have to admit I enjoyed the sight.

"Seriously, Fay?" Kent asks, raising his eyebrows at me and taking one hand off my waist to cover his mouth as he coughs, recovering from his surprise. "Are you are you serious?"

"You don't want to?" I ask, frowning a little, pretending to shrink away.

"No!" he says, grabbing at my waist and pulling me back, making me smile, though I try not to make it too victorious. "I mean yes or or -" he takes a moment to steel himself, glaring down at me a little, perhaps figuring out that I've intentionally surprised him.

"Believe me, Fay," Kent murmurs, his voice husky and slow now that he's recovered himself, "there's absolutely nothing I'd rather to do than teach you this particular skill." And he takes a moment, then, to let his eyes drop to my mouth, to raise a hand to my face and run his thumb lingeringly over my lower lip. "I'm just...surprised that you don't want to talk."

Chapter 324

"About what?" I ask, perhaps too innocently, looking up at him with wide eyes.

Kent smirks a little, studying my face, on to me now. "About Natalia," he says. "I'm not unaware that you weren't thrilled to see her seated on my lap tonight, feeding me ice cream.'

"Well," I say with a little shrug, pulling away a bit. "If you'd rather me go get her so that she can blow you Kent laughs - a surprised, happy thing - and pulls me back against him, which makes me grin. "Not a chance," he growls. "But seriously, Fay," he continues, studying my face.

And I let my fa?ade drop a little, letting honesty peek through. Because really, tonight? It wasn't Natalia I was jealous of. But I shove the thoughts of Lenai away. "Seriously, Kent," I say, shaking my head a little bit and putting my hands flat against his chest as he tugs me closer. "Didn't you say to trust you about Natalia?" I shrug one shoulder. "I trust you."

And then I lower my eyes to his chest and bring my hands together, starting to unbutton his shirt. Kent lets me work for a moment before pressing a finger under my chin and making me pause and look up at him. "Really, Fay?" he asks, likewise quite serious. "Because... Fay, I don't want you to hide it, if you're feeling bad about it. Or do this because you think it will make me like you more than her. There's no contest. We can talk about it if you want."

- We can I look up at him and let him see the honesty in my eyes for a moment, that I'm really not lying. And then I stand on my Chapter 324novelbin


tiptoes so that my face is as close to his as I can get it, so that he can hear me well even though I only whisper.

"I don't want to talk, Kent," I say softly, holding his gaze the whole time. "I want something besides words in my mouth right now."

Kent goes still again, and a smile starts on my mouth

But it doesn't have time to finish before Kent snarls and snaps me viciously off my feet making me squeal with laughter as he wraps me up in his arms and kicks the door to the passage closed behind me.

Then, before I can think what he's doing, Kent strides across the room, only releasing a hand from me once ve to slam against a wall, hitting a light switch so that the room goes dark. In an instant, he's carries me over to the fireplace.

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