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Chapter 301

Chapter 301novelbin

“Now what,” he whispers, kneeling between my legs with his hands on my hips, using his thumbs to dig into the muscles of mylower back, starting to massage me just a little. | moan a little at the feel of it, of Kent’s strong hands loosening my muscles, atthe feel of myself already growing wet for him-

“Now what,” he asks again, accompanying his demand with a sharp smack on my ass. | yelp a little, even though | liked it, but |feel his hand leave my skin and | know that he’s pulling it back, ready for another —

“Lay on top of me,” | say quickly, “I — | want to feel you all ofyou —

And he does it, slowly, lowering himself so that his stomach presses against my back, his arms on either side of mine taking themajority of his weight so he doesn’t crush me.

“Push into me,” | whisper, not waiting for him to command me again, because | can already feel him there — at my entrance —wanting to be inside me as much as | want him there. Kent groans a little as he obeys me, as he adjusts himself so that the headof his cock begins to spread me —

And then we both almost leap out of our skins as a hard knock comes at the door.Chapter 3012/3

“Shit,” Kent breathes, pulling me to him in an instant and clamping an unnecessary hand over my mouth. Because | go still as arabbit, shocking myself by not emitting a noise. We are both still and tense for a moment, but then the knock comes again.

“Through the passage, Fay,” Kent commands in a whisper, quickly standing up and hastily pulling the sheets off the bed to wraparound me. “There’s no time they wouldn’t wake me if it wasn’t urgent.”

| nod, still not daring to say a word, and wrap myself up as fast as I can as | cross the room. | look over at Kent, who is pulling onhis underwear as he heads for the door not the one to his office, but one | think that goes to the kitchens. He holds my eyes for along moment, giving me a nod, and then he shocks me by pressing the fingers of his right hand to his mouth for just

5. 5.

a second, kissing them before clenching that hand in a fist and moving towards the kitchen door.

| pause a moment in my surprise because | mean, | could

swear that that was the Kent Lippert version of blowing me a kiss. But | move through the passage door as quick as | can, pullingit silently shut behind me.

The next few minutes of tottering awkwardly through the freezing basement passage are not...my favorite moments of my life, asI spend one third of my time wishing | had some socks, another third ignoring the unfinished ache in my core, and the final thirdanxiously worrying that there is some kind of horrible disaster happening upstairs.

Chapter 3013/3

But as | pass through the wardrobe into my room, everything is...peaceful. Totally normal. | take a moment to listen quietly forany changes but eventually the tension unwinds from my muscles as | hear absolutely nothing.

Then, frustrated that what seemedlike it was going to be som: reatly\great s wag)! Nd d forabsolutely nothing, | scowl and headinto my bathroom for a long shower.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Because the day has finally arrived,

and | can no longer. ae

S to digtract eben rom the onebig problem in my life: Natalia. The

content is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Natalia, the woman who wants myfather dead and m wittnhith sot tsheean take Le Sace as Kent's

ife. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

But as | step into the steaming hot water of my shower, a little snarl curls on my lips.Because if that’s what she wants?God damn it, but I’m going to make her step over my dead body

to take it.

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