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Chapter 298

Chapter 298

He tells me about his charmed childhood at his father’s side, how he grew up with the best of everything before his father wasbrutally murdered in a mob hit when he was just a kid. He tells me about how he saw it happen. How he'll never forget the sightof his father’s blood.

And then Kent tells me about how his world fell apart after his father’s death. | bite my lip as | listen to him tell it, not wanting toremind him that it is precisely that fate which Natalia wants to give me by having my own father murdered. But Kent meets myeyes as he tells me about how his mother scrambled to hold their life together, how his uncle stepped in to help, and | know thathe understands. | know that this story is a promise that it won’t be the same for me.

“You know him, you know,” Kent says, taking another swig of tequila. “My uncle Gino.”

“What?” | ask, shocked. “Is he — he’s not dead?” I’ve heard of him before, of course — just briefly, | think from Daniel — the manwho helped Kent's mother hold the family together for him while Kent was sent to Italy to be raised by the Bianci family.

“No, he’s not dead,” Kent says, laughing and grinning at me. Then he gestures towards the rest of the house with the bottle. “Yousee him every morning, Fay. At breakfast.”

Chapter 298

“Oh!” | say, my eyes going wide. “Oh.” And then | slap a hand against my forehead, laughing at myself. “Seriously!? That’s youruncle Gino, at the table with the old men?”

2018Kent laughs at me, shaking his head. “Who did you think it was?”“Well, | don’t know,” | say, rolling my eyes at him. “It’s not like you or Daniel ever had the grace to introduce me.”

Kent just shrugs and offers me the bottle of tequila, which | take and sip from, watching him. “You could have introduced yourself.Kind of rude that you didn’t.”novelbin

| laugh and smack him on the shoulder. “Come on, Kent! You know how shy | am, and how scared | was when | first came intothis house.”

“Shy,” Kent scoffs, disbelieving, as he lowers his face to my shoulder and presses a kiss there. “You're not shy, Fay. Not really.”“What?” | ask, shocked and a little confused.

“Seriously, Fay,” he continues, placing little kisses on the skin all along the line of my shoulder. “You stand up to me on a regularbasis, you had the brass to walk past Natalia at a glacial space even though you were an hour and fifteen minutes late. to dinner,you have a second mafia boss so eager to see you he crashes my family party —

Chapter 2983/3

“Ohhh,” | say, swatting at Kent. “That's not the same thing at all — | also blush like a damn lobster every five minutes and feel myknees go weak anytime even frowns at me

“Not true,” Kent says, lifting his headto look me seriously in the eye. “Notanymore, at least. Shy, Fay that’s notwhat you are at all Wajystahet itseme pdin?ySu Got the idea that youwere weaker, or less capable, or lessdeserving than other people. But yourreal heart? Beneath it all?” He shakeshis head at me again, tapping a fingerat my chest as a little smile pulls athis lips. “You're a viper, Fay.” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

| blink at him, completely shocked byhis words, by his...well, by his aclSomali ce, And WYitletwist ofpleasure rises in me at this idea thatthis is how Kent sees me. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

And, because I’m me, | immediablush. Kent laughg wheal he THeopnients Gh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

sees it.


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