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Chapter 29

GiftsChapter 29 — Something in the Air—1

Tristin turns her eyes to me as soon as | am seated, the baby in her lap looking up at me curiously. “Hello, Fay,” she says, herface cold. But hey, at least she’s talking to me.

“Hi,” | say, giving her as bright a smile as | can manage. Romulus peaks around her to give me a happy wave, which |return.

My father, on Romulus’ other side, turns to me as well. “We wanted to apologize, Fay, as a family. For the events at our houseyesterday.”

“Oh, please,” | say, waving a hand to dismiss it. “Don’t worry about it. | understand that it’s...awkward. That I’m sort of a newaddition, and that | screwed up some of your plans. I’m...sorry about that, by the way.” | look into Tristin’s face as | say it.

“Not a new addition, Fay,” my father says, looking at me steadily. “A love one returned to us after a long parting.”

“Yes,” Tristin says, her voice low and rehearsed. “You are a member of this family.” Her eyes flick to Kent and Daniel then, and Iwonder why.novelbin

The rest of the dinner proceeds a little blandly. The food is good, the chitchat a little dull. | get a lot of family history, then, withAlden showing me pictures of my grandparents and telling me about their journey to America from Italy.

| look at the old photos curiously tria

quickly at Kent and Daniel — with their dark skin, thick black hair, and roman noses, they look Italian.“Thank you so much for showing me these,” | say to Alden,

handing the pictures back to him. “I’m learning so much about myself these days.”

“And you have so much more to learn,” he says, giving me a warm smile, which | return.

The party goes quite late, with everyone drinking and chatting. At some point, a DJ comes out and begins playing the oldies thatthis crowd apparently favors — lots of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. It’s not a bad time, overall — even Daniel is laughing andchatting around.

Only Kent seems to be having a poor time — or, at least, not a good one. He’s very stern, always glancing around the room,looking over everyone who comes to say hello. | purse my lips, considering him as he looks critically over an old woman whointroduced herself as my great aunt. Does he ever have a good time?

Kent feels me watching him and turns his attention to me, raising his eyebrow.

I shrug at him and shimmy my shoulders, encouraging him, without words, to try to loosen up and have a good time. He smirksat me and then looks away, continuing his surveillance.

Too serious, | think, getting up to get another drink, Kent stands to go with me, but | put out a hand to stop him.

“Really,” | say. “I'm just going to the bar for a glass of wine.” |

feet away. “I'll be back in a moment.”

He hesitates and then settles back in his chair. “I'll be right here,” he says. | nod and briskly step away.

A younger set of people are standing by the bar chatting. They raise their glasses to me as | sidle up.

“Welcome to the family, cousin,” a tall guy with closely—cut black hair and broad shoulders says to me. “We've missed you.”“Really?” | ask, nodding to the bartender who hands me a glass of wine. “Um, are we really cousins?”

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Chapter 29 — Something in the Air—2

“Sure,” he says, laughing. “I’m Michael, this is Chris,” he says, indicating the slightly smaller version of himself next to him, “andour sister Amy.”

“Oh,” | say, raising my brows. “Wow, it’s really nice to meet you.”

“Not quite cousins,” Amy says, leaning in familiarly to talk to me. Her words are just a little bit slurred — not sloppy, but | can tellshe’s had a couple of drinks. “We’re second cousins! Your dad is our mom’s cousin, which means,” she screws up her face inthought, thinking, “we have great-grandparents in common.”

“Wow,” | say, taking a sip from my glass. “Um, my family

| mean, the family | was adopted into — we didn’t pay a lot of attention to that sort of thing. So to find out | have great-grandparents and second cousins all in one day...” | raise my eyebrows in emphasis and they laugh, nodding.

“Yeah,” Michael says. “It must be a lot, to go from nothing into a big Italian family like this.”

“We remember you, though!” Amy says with a big smile. “Because you were our little redheaded Baby Fay —| blink, suddenly, at the way she says that. Baby Fay — only one other person calls me that —

“Hey,” Michael says sharply then, nudging her with his elbow.

“Oops,” Amy says, lifting her fingers to her mouth. She rushes to continue, then, trying to move the conversation on. “Yeah,anyway, | remember you when you were so little on the slip—n—slide —”

“Wait,” | say, putting out a hand to stop her. “Fiona? Is that

Suddenly, though, Kent is by my side. “Fay?” He asks, looking sternly at my new cousins. “Did you have some trouble gettingyour drink?”

Michael, Chris, and Amy stare at Kent, maybe a littlestar—struck. “Kent,” | say, gesturing towards them. “These are my cousins —”

“Come on,” he says, ignoring themand taking me by the arm. | look backat them and grima alittle; ones!

Ss ugging asV I& hi pull me away.They all give me a little wave. As |walk away | see Michael saysomething sharp to Amy, whocringes. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

“What's the big deal,” | murmur to Kent when we're out of earshot. “They were nice —”

“| don’t know them,” Kent says,bringing me back to the table. “ if| don't know them ike Sisbitity.”He gllan Sack at them and shakeshis head. “We can't take risks likethat, Fay.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| sigh at him. “Kent, if I’m going to come to these things to meet my family, you have to let me, you know. Meet my family.”He just glares at me and turns away to survey the room again.that gunfire

Kent he ignores me, turning to Daniel.“Smoke grenades!” inomasntaround to pyr left ne ode right, tryingthsbbt e source, “you know what todo —“ The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Daniel turns to me, taking my hand and looking me seriously in the face. “We’re under attack, Fay!” he yells. “We've got toRUN!”B

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