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Chapter 284

Chapter 2841/3

| watch Kent carefully as he smiles at the memory and then adds pieces of his own, making Natalia laugh- perhaps a little. toohard — when he reminds her that that was the first time he ever had fois gras, and how much he hated it. The conversation:passes mostly like this, with Natalia and Kent and Alessi trading fond memories of their youth, sometimes slipping into Italian tobetter express their meaning.

And as | look around at the table, watching Daniel laugh along with them in the moments when | cannot understand the words,and catching Natalia watching me when she thinks I’m not looking, | realize that...this dinner could very well be about me. Aboutmaking it quite clear to me precisely how much | do not fit in this family — the little American girl who has never been to Italy orFrance, who cannot understand Italian, or cook, and who certainly has never had fois

gras.And who does not like it when | try it tonight.

As | push my little plate away, a single bite taken out of my pate—and—baguette, | lean over to Daniel to whisper in his ear.“Daniel, who organized this dinner?” | ask, even though | already know the answer.

“Natalia,” he replies, leaning close to tell me in my ear. “A

Chapter 284


surprise. The chef is an old friend, apparently she organized it

this afternoon.”

Nodding, smiling at him to let him know that all is well, | turn back to the table better prepared to go to war. Because I’m figuringout that that’s precisely what this is.


But Natalia surprises me by ignoring me further, chatting lightly mostly to Kent throughout the next two courses, keeping up sucha steady stream of conversation at the small table that the rest of us don’t really have a chance to change the subject. | do note,as well, that our glasses are liberally resupplied with wine, and that Natalia never finishes hers (so | don’t either), though each ofthe men do.

| watch Natalia quite, quite closely as she pretends to ignore me, so | notice the precise moment when she makes her move. Ithappens just after the meat course is served — a gorgeous roasted game hen for each of us — and each of us are provided withour fifth glass of wine, which I’m curious to see Kent lift to his lips, having fallen under her nostalgic spell more than | thought himcapable of doing.

“Kent,” Natalia says, a fond smile on her face, her eyes sparkling curiously, “when do you think it is that you will take a secondwife? It is long past time, no?”

Kent goes still for a second, just a second, and | feel Daniel perk up next to me curiously. But | watch, fascinated, realizing thatChapter 2843/3

Natalia has bided her time so precisely that neither Kent nor Daniel bristle at her, which | know they usually would at anyone whodared ask Kent about his romantic intentions at any other


Masterful, | think, leaning my elbow on the table and resting my chin on my hand, flicking my eyes to Kent, curious to see whatwill happen next.

“Don't be ridiculous, Natalia,” helaughs- laughs, | thi CNelldone!'taliantThatosnt ossibly be on myind now. I’m too busy.” The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

“Ohhh,” she replies, and | feel myspine stiffen a little as | watch Natalialean closer to Kent, reachin ery)hand INS sfal-dtrand of hairbBhinld is car. “But that is preciselywhat a wife can do for you, no? Takesome of the pressure off so that youcan concentrate on what reallymatters?” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

And I’m glad | have my chin in myhand at that moment because,honestly, if it wer ny beat assprigk af hy fouth alling open.Because | realize quite suddenly that| was wrong; this dinner isn't aboutNatalia making a move against me.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

She’s making a move for Kent.Write your commentGifts

Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father

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