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Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Natalia goes perfectly still, except for her eyes, which narrow almost to slits.

“Who are you going to see?” she asks, her voice sharp.

“Family business, Natalia,” | murmur, aloof, taking a big sip of my coffee and then placing it on the table. “You understand.”

“Family?” she asks, leaning forward. “Which family? This one, or your father’s?”

“Well, they’re one and the same now, aren’t they?” | reply, cryptic. And then | let my lips curl in a secretive little smile beforeturning to Daniel and ignoring her completely.

“Will you do all right without me today, sweetheart?” | ask, my voice soft and intimate. | raise a fond hand to run it down the backof his head, taking a moment to trail my fingers through the ends of his hair.

Daniel turns to look up at me, already onto my game and ready to play along. “No,” he says, wrapping an arm around my waistand pulling me close. “Not if it's a choice and pleading incompetence will keep you here.”

I laugh and pout at him, looping my hands around his neck andChapter 2762/4

leaning back a little so that my hips press close against him while | look down at him with adoration. “Sorry, babe,” | say. “Youknow | have work to do. I'd rather be with you, though.”

“Prove it,” Daniel says, grinning at me wickedly, daring me.

And, laughing a real laugh because I’m so grateful to have him on my side, | let him tug me close and then | lower my face to his,kissing my best friend as if...

...Well, as if he’s his dad.

It's a long, deep kiss, and when | pull away I’m smiling widely at him, genuinely grateful that he’s so willing to play along. | turnmy head to Alessi and Natalia then, pleased to see Alessi grinning proudly at his nephew and Natalia glaring coldly at me, her

eyes calculating. But | ignore her, leaning over the table a little to grab a croissant off the plate in the middle.“You guys have an amazing day,” | whisper, giving them both a pretty smile. “I'll miss you!”And then | straighten and head for the door.

I'm already past Natalia and Alessi when | see Kent leaning against the wall next to the kitchen door, his arms folded over hischest, watching my every move with a little smirk on his face. And I’m damn lucky that the Italians have their heads turnedbecause | absolutely falter in my steps when | see him there. But he just nods his head once at me, uncrosses his arms, andmoves into the kitchen as if he’s got better stuff to deal with.

Chapter 276

Taking this non-censure as rare approval, | smile and head towards the door, thinking that it’s done.3/4

But as | pass him, | feel the knuckle of Kent's index finger gently, just barely, graze the side of my ass.And | can’t help the huge smile that breaks out on my face as | push through the door.

It's not much, but from Kent?

He might as well have given me a high-five.

As soon as | come through the door, though, | almost bang straight into Jerome.

“Whoa, speedy,” he says, catching me by the shoulders before | can knock him down.

| stumble a little but then gasp as |look down at my crushed croissant,which collided withygiscghest Whyare youlalways Sutside doors I'mcoming out of?” | ask, frowning up athim. “Do you just lay in wait outsideof every door | go through?” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“How could | do that, Fay,” Jeromeasks, looking at me slyly, ‘whensometimes yQud it ne roomaid inexplicably, come out ofanother?” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

My mouth pops open a little but then | snap it shut, wondering what the hell he knows. Has he guessed something about secretChapter 276

passages? Or is he just baiting me into saying something?


Jerome lets me dangle for a momentand then lets my showlaats oe; mMtrustin meta stahdo My own.‘Mudky timing, then, | guess. Whereyou Off to in such a hurry?” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Golla go see an important man,” | reply, giving a little shrug.“Which one?” he asks, genuinely curious.

“Nooooooo idea,” | say. Then, | cock my head. “Want to come with?”Write your comment


or My Ex’s Matia Father

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