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Chapter 265

Chapter 265

My release builds in me quickly, but I��m not surprised with me on top, Kent fills me to a depth I��ve never felt before. I��m alreadygasping, Kent's hands hard on my hips, pulling me down tighter, moving with me and making every movement of my bodyrougher, sharper. | can feel his dick throb inside me, hard up against that place he hit when he fucked me in his office that spotwithin me that wipes the world away and narrows my entire to focus on each pounding stroke.

Kent starts to meet me now, learning my rhythm, pulsing hard up into me every time | flick my hips forward. And then, as | comeclose to the edge of it, my back curling forward and my release breaking through ��

Agroan breaks from Kent's lips �� a hard, desperate thing as he buries his face against my shoulder and | feel him spill againstmy inner walls, hot and thick ��

And the knowledge of it �� of the fact that | did that �� that | was in charge this time, and that | made Kent cum, as he made mebefore-

Fuck, but it pushes me over, and I��m gasping as the release pulses through me, tension chasing joy and pleasure and needthroughout my stomach, my core, my limbs, my mind...

Chapter 2652/4

| fall forward, pulling him close against me, his head tucked against my shoulder as | slap one of my hands hard against hisback, my nails sliding over his skin as the final pulses of my orgasm trace through me, as | continue to shudder and take shakybreaths. Unthinking, | trace my nails a little way down the length of Kent��s spine and he shivers under my hand. | smile at that,pleased, and do it again, eliciting a little growl from him that | like very much.

We stay just like for a minute while we catch our breath, my body straddling his lap, his arms tight around my waist, his foreheadpressed against my shoulder as | pant and come back to myself. Then, realizing that there��s a dull ache in my hips. from beingspread so far apart, | shift a little, but Kent tightens his arms, holding me still.

��No, stop,�� he murmurs, his whole body still tense under my arms. ��Please, Fay,�� he whispers, and | open my eyes at thesurprise of him...well, of asking me for something. Saying please. ��Please,�� he repeats, ��just...fucking let me hold you. For oneminute.��

I tense a little at his words but then...1 relent.

Don��t think about it, | tell myself as | allow my body to relax against his. My muscles unwind as | gather Kent closer to me, feelinghim turn his face to lay it gently against my breast, moving one of his arms below my ass so that he��s supporting my weight withit, holding me ��

Actually holding me, not just letting me sit on his lap.Chapter 265

| tuck my own head down next to his, pressing my lips to the skin of his neck, his shoulder, before letting my cheek rest againsthim, closing my eyes and letting all of my anger and tension fade away. Because this, now...there��s no space for it here. Notanymore,


We stay that way, curled quietly against each other, for longer than a minute. For a long time, really. And suddenly | realize thatI've grown quite cold because, without realizing it, I've begun to shiver a little bit.

��Shit,�� Kent murmurs as he feels me start to shake a little against him. He raises his head, pulling back and looking up at me.��Are you all right?��

��Yeah,�� | reply, raising my own head and meeting his eyes, so close to mine. ��Um, | think I��m just...cold?��

��Shit,�� he says again, shaking his head and unclasping his arms, letting me move away. ��I��m sorry, Fay �� | think | forget how coldit gets down here ����

��It's okay,�� | reply, understanding because honestly | didn��t

notice either the front half of my body was quite warm,

pressed tight against his ��

| lift myself off of Kent and stand upquickly, turning to look for my clothesas | hear him stan neauiekty 1

ten his oant�l's �� my littlepajama shorts on the ground andbend over to grab them, listeningpassively for the sound of Kent's beltbuckling The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Chapter 265behind me, when suddenly ��4l4

| gasp as I��m suddenly seonoert around ��

and then | barely hav:

r Ize whatshaph ieee as Kentbends me over his The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

shoulder, lifting my bare ass non in

the air as he al soeprg Ae) |figerartstyre up he stone stairs. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Read

the latest chapter there!

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