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Chapter 249

Chapter 249| sigh a deep breath and gesture towards where she’s draping herself on Kent’s arm, laughing up at some joke he made.“Come on, Daniel,” | say, my voice derisive. “Your dad is not that funny.”

“No, he’s not,” Daniel murmurs, seeing it himself. “Oh weird,” he adds, turning back to me. “My fiancé and my auntie, bothcompeting for my dad.” He scowls and snatches the drink out of my hand now, draining it. “And no one going for me.”

“What,” | ask, laughing at him now. “Do you want Natalia to go. for you?”“What?” Daniel gasps. “Ew, no, Fay

“Because,” | continue, laughing now, “you're not technically related, and with how messed up this family tree already is, it couldwork —”

“Gross!” Daniel exclaims, standing up and pulling me with him, both of us laughing now. “Come on, we need a refill,” he says,guiding me back over to the bar. We're both still giggling at the idea of Daniel getting together with Natalia, and I’m egging himon by imitating her Italian accent and thinking of things she’d say to him on their wedding night — how she’d boss him around,

Chapter 2492/4and the things she’d complain about when someone comes up behind us at the bar.

“What's so funny,” Kent asks, surprising us, and Daniel and | turn as one, bursting into laughter when we see him standing there.Kent frowns at us, but not in a mean or angry way.

Honestly, he looks a little pleased to see us having fun, but just... displeased to be left out?Or maybe frowning is his default expression. | don’t really know, and I’m laughing too hard to care.

“Nothing,” | say, wiping my eyes free of a few tears of mirth as the bartender delivers my glass of red wine. “Just...a stupid joke,”| continue, my giggles fading. Daniel nods, smiling at his dad and taking a sip of his second Manhattan.

“Red wine?” Kent asks, frowning at my choice as | take the glass off of the bar.

“Oh god,” | moan, slumping my shoulders and looking up at him. “Not you too. Can’t anyone just let me drink what | want todrink?”

“Do what you want, Fay,” Kent shrugs, his frown deepening. “I just thought on a summer night that something like a glass of



Daniel and | lose it again and Kent just rolls his eyes, deciding to ignore us. He pushes past us to the bar to get a drink. Danielloops his arm through mine. “Come on,” he says, “let me

Chapter 249


introduce you to some of my actual aunts and uncles

“Ones you don’t plan to marry?” | prod, grinning.

“Oh, | didn’t say that,” he replies, giving me a dirty little smirk and leading me over to a group.

Before we can arrive, though, there’s a disturbance at the door — raised voices that ring wrong against the laughter and happychatter that fills the party. Daniel and | stop in our tracks, turning to see what’s happening, and for the second time that night |feel my blood go cold.

Because standing at the door to Kent’s family party is a large group of people who I’m sure were not invited.And at the head of the group, in a grey Gucci suit, is my father.

And standing a step behind him in black Armani, his crisp white shirt already unbuttoned and his eyes already on me, is Ivan.

“Well, Lippert?” my father calls toKent, who has turned away fro ebar and is laring abiHeyroupstandin the door. “Are you goingto turn us away from this happyaffair?” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

Everyone is absolutely silent as Kentpauses for a second and then slowly,with perfect deliberation, beging idcrogs thd (ddr. He stops abouthalfway, leaving about twenty feetbetween him, and my father, andmy.... The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

My what? My maybe-boyfriend? The lion tamer | make out withChapter 249

sometimes at taco stands and my dad’s mountain house?


“Of course,” Kent replies to myfather’s question, his voice at once

even and dangerous. laws haveadrink, Adee, Youire Bo gto be familysboh'enough as it is. Bringyour...friends with you,” Kentconcludes, slowly raising his glass ofwhiskey to his lips and taking acasual sip. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Every line of Kent in this moment is a graceful warning that theycan enter...

But they’re on his turf now, and playing by his rules.

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