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Chapter 235

Chapter 235

| make myself a little espresso before heading up the stairs because, if I’m going to be up at 4:30 in the morning, I’m al leastgoing to be caffeinated. And then the hours pass more quickly than | thought they would. | shower, fix my hair, and change intothe clothes that are delivered promptly at six. | look curiously at the blue-and-white flowered dress and sweet pair of strappy tansandals that Kent selected for me today, a little disappointed that it’s not riding clothes. He’s certainly not sending me to thestables, but where on earth am | going in this?

I'm ready for the day a little before 6:30, though, and so | grab my phones — both of them — and flick through the messages fromJaneen, Daniel, and Ivan. Janeen’s are the most cheerful, just little updates on her life and pictures from the shore house. I’m alittle jealous when | see those, wanting to be there with her and hoping | get to go soon.

The ones from Ivan... just skim, not wanting to address the feelings they rise in me. There’s nothing big there anyway — justcasual greetings and asking if I’m okay. | close them quickly, not wanting to reply. Not now, at least.

Daniel's texts, however...| grimace a little when | see all fifty-eight of them. They start casually enough, but by the end I can seethat he’s flipping out a little bit, anxious to know where | am but then also...well, a little mean when he figures out that

Chapter 235


I'm with his dad instead of with him. | sigh, tossing the phone back onto the desk and wondering what the hell I’m going to doabout it.

But then the little clock down the hall gives a tiny chime, as it always does at the half hour, and | head downstairs, ready to meetmy fate.

I'm surprised at how much the kitchen has filled in the past two hours, but not displeased. I’m starting to like the buzz and theenergy of the place in the morning. | move quickly to the espresso machine, wanting another little jolt to start my day, and the trioof older gentlemen in the corner all give me friendly smiles and raise their cups to me. | smile at them and wave back, pleasedthat they’re starting to know and acknowledge me now.

My espresso in hand, | head to me and Daniel's little table. He’s not there yet, but | know | can wait for him. Jerome, doing dishesin the kitchen, gives me a little wink to say hi and | smile at him as the kitchen door opens and Daniel enters the room.

My smile falls a little as | get a look at him when he sits down. across from me. He looks — well, he looks like shit, quite frankly,unwashed with dark circles under his eyes. | lean forward a little and sniff, realizing that he smells like...whiskey? | don’t know.Some kind of strong spirit.

“What,” Daniel snaps. “Do you have a problem with the way | look?”

“Ew, Daniel,” | say, leaning back in my chair and raising my

Chapter 235


espresso cup to my lips. “That's a nasty little tone for so early in the morning.”

Daniel glowers at my response, a little pissed — | realize that | don’t gasp and apologize as | would usually do. | glance quickly atJerome, who watches us from the corner of his eye, suddenly grateful for his warning. Because if | hadn't had his little tip, I'dcertainly be thrown off and probably bowled over by Daniel's anger. But now? | can stand my ground, just a little.novelbin

“Where were you yesterday, Fay?”Daniel growls, changing the subjectso that he’s Qn pagrsisalld ground inthis fight he’s determined to have. “!was so worried — | lookedeverywhere for you.” The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Daniel,” | say, sighing and lookingdown at my cup as | place it down onthe table, trying nee te walk thefi ena atwisc re using to beaShamed of my choices and wantingto be kind to him. | sigh and look upevenly into his eyes. “Don't you knowwhere | was? Didn't you figure it out?”The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

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