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Chapter 232

Chapter 232

“Oh,” | say, my eyes going wide at this revelation. That Kent... Kent has wanted this for a long time. Prepared for it. Expected it.Knew that it was going to happen now, not months from now. Whereas I...

My mind flicks to lvan, suddenly, and how much emotional energy I’ve been putting his way, at how split I've been between thetwo of them....

While all the while, Kent’s been...making space for me. Here. In his super cozy secret lair.| bite my lip as my smile fades from my lips, as | look seriously at him and consider...well, what that means.

Kent gives me a brash little smile and leans forward, planting a quick kiss on my lips. “Don’t overthink it, Fay,” he says softlywhen he pulls away, giving me a swift little smack on the ass. | yelp, but it doesn’t hurt — luckily, it was the fresh side. “Time to getup.”

He does just that, then, leaving me to sit up and watch him as he moves, naked, to the closet to get dressed. | sigh as he opensthe doors and disappears through them. | glance at the clock, then, and blanche at what | sec.

Chapter 2322/4“Four!?” | shout towards the closet. “You got me up at four in the morning!?”

Kent's face, incredibly handsome under his rumpled hair, appears through the doorway again as he frowns at me. “What time didyou think | got up?”

“| didn’t think about when you got up, Kent,” | say, glaring at him. “Because this,” | say, gesturing towards the clock, “isunthinkable.”

Kent laughs at me, shaking his head. “I have to get up early, Fay,” he calls to me as he goes back into the closet, “if | have topick out your wardrobe as well as mine.”

My mouth falls open at that little dig and I’m about to protest that | never asked him to pick out my clothes — that he just did itfor meBut then | snap my mouth shut. Let him pick out my clothes, | think, giving a little shrug. More sleep for me.

Then, | quickly climb out of the bed and move to the closet, leaning against the door. “Um, Kent?” | ask, watching him. button upa white shirt over his undershirt, his boxer briefs curving prettily around the muscled swell of his ass.

“You don’t have to say ‘um, Kent,’ every time you have a question, Fay,” Kent says, turning to glare at me a little. Not glare inamean way, | realize, and | smile at him. Just a very precise, efficient, Kent sort of glare. “You can just ask without a

Chapter 232 preamble.”3/4

“Ummmmm,” | say, dragging out the word and leaning more languidly against the door, “Kennnnnnt,” | continue, and he laughs atme, turning away and shaking his head. “Do you mind, actually, if | go up to my room?” | ask. “All my...stuff is there.”

“Sure, Fay,” he says, finishing with his shirt and coming over to me, pulling me close for a second. “I understand. Just, breakfastat 6:30, as usual, yes?”

“Mmhmm,” | say, standing on my tiptoes and lifting my face to his for a kiss. He obliges me, wrapping an arm firmly around mywaist and pulling me up against him so tightly that | feel my toes start to lift off the ground. The kiss is a deep, good one, but I’mgetting a little squished —

So | laugh, and pound my little fists against him, and yell for him to put me down. He does, laughing with me, and then | smile athim and plant a little passing kiss on his shoulder and flit towards the secret door to the office.novelbin

“Put your robe on before you go into the house, Fay!” Kent calls after me as | pull open the bookcase door. “I don’t want anyoneseeing you as the indecent minx you are.”

“Yes, daddy,” | call back, my voice bored and annoyed like a petulant teenager, knowing that he'll hate it. Kent's little snarl inresponse has me laughing as | pull the bookcase closed behind me. But | stop to pick up my little pink underwear from last nightand pull my robe over my shoulders anyway, shoving the

Chapter 232panties into the robe’s pocket.

If Kent wants me wrapped up, twrapped up iN be Ta&donttent isonER, novel d:tom! Read the latestchapter there!

Smiling, | untwist the lock and pullthe door open, spipgin@raptiytiproyghNt. One content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

And then, as | turn into the hall, | sjamdirectly into Jeremecthe content isof En.n dko.com! Read the latestchapter there!

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