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Chapter 229

Chapter 2291/3

I'm awoken, | don’t know how much later, by the feel of something heavy on the mattress next to me. Surprised by the suddenchange, | gasp a little turning towards the movement, but | quickly realize that it’s him, warm beside me. Kent, his body strippeddown to his boxer-briefs- his skin and hair a little damp, apparently from a shower-

Wait, where was his shower? The little bathroom | used through a door next to the fireplace was just a little half bath —

“Shhh,” Kent says apologetically, working to put me at ease after he woke me. He slides his body close to mine and his handsare instantly on me, one sliding behind my head so that my head is pillowed on his arm, the other slipping down over the silkygrey nightgown and then flipping it aside, moving upwards again up the length of my thigh to my stomach.

| press my back into the warmth of his chest, grumbling a little at having been woken but pleased to have him near again.

“Where did you find this flimsy little thing,” Kent murmurs, lowering his face to my shoulder and running his lips across my skin. |smile, yawning a little.

“Oh, this old thing?” | reply. “I’ve had it for years. Practically a rag.”Chapter 2292/3

Kent gives me a punishing little nip on my shoulder for that. “This is watered silk, Fay,” he murmurs, nudging my shoulder withhis nose so that | turn away a bit, giving him the freedom to drop kisses along my shoulder blades and down the length of myspine. “You call it a rag again, and you'll pay for it.” He moves his hand to my ass, cupping it a little, reminding me of my“punishment” this afternoon.

| laugh a little, but then wince as he squeezes a bit.“What?” he asks, pulling away from me and looking down at my body. “Does it hurt?”

“Just a little tender,” | mumble, which is true. | had looked at my butt in the mirror this afternoon, curious to see it pleasantly pinkwhere Kent had smacked it so fiercely. | had blushed- of course but...! had also liked it. A little souvenir for me to remember thatmoment.

That really, really hot moment.

I'm remembering it now as | press my hips backwards against Kent, wanting him close to me. He complies, moving his free handupward again across my stomach to clasp one of my breasts in his palm, purring a little deep in his chest as he feels the way | fillhis hand, as he shifts his hips to curl against my

ass.| moan a little at his touch, at the way his thumb flicks over my nipple, at the way | can feel him growing stiff against me. It’s a

Chapter 229


feeling I’m starting to get used to,which makes me es @rpusedniow,r her thanrshoéke andembarrassed. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Things move quickly then, with noneof the games or repartee that we'veengaged in before. Kent and | weboth simply want each oth rast)now. K tégkeschisha d away frommy bleéast to pull his shorts down,and then he’s still kicking them off ashe dips that hand between my legs,touching me softly. But when he feelshow wet | am already soaking for himthe purr in his chest turns to a growland he shifts again so that his cock ispressed swiftly against my entrance.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

| shift myself, lifting my hips so thathe can fit himself in, and then Kentswiftly slides into me, shuddering ashe does. | press my eyes closegasping a little at thé Sutidén force ofhim\rat the Sudden fierceness withwhich | want him. Kent tightens hisarms around me, pulling me closeagainst his chest as he thrustshimself deep and deeper into me, andthen he moves one hand down,slipping between my thighs to findme slick, pressing his fingers againstme just where | want to be touched.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

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