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Chapter 216

Chapter 216

Kent stares at me, frozen, for a moment. A little shiver passes through me as | see him looking at me, see his lips part minutely,see the shock run through him like a wave.


And then, before | can blink, he’s in motion, crossing the room in four long strides and slamming the door shut behind me. | jumpa little at the snapping sound of it, anxious to see Kent move with such determination. He’s a big man big one and when hemoves gracefully like that — with deft movements and perfect control, when other men his size would plow through like arhinoceros —

Well, it’s unnerving, sometimes.

But very, very sexy.

a very

“Fay,” he growls, grabbing me suddenly by the waist andnovelbin

pulling me against him. “What the hell are you doing, walking around the house like that?”

“What?” | say innocently, feeling that sweet defiance sweep through me like the drug it is. “Was | not supposed to?”

“No,” he snaps, giving me a little shake that makes me laugh, because even as he scolds he can’t keep his hands off me, theone on my waist roving lower so that his fingers brush against

Chapter 216

the pearl details of my panties, his other hand sinking deep into my hair, taking a controlling handful at the back of my neck. “Goddamn it, Fay anyone could have seen you —” he


“So what,” | reply, staring up into his deep green eyes. “They wouldn’t have touched me they wouldn’t have dared

2/3He growls again, spinning me so that my back is to him now, and then taking a moment to turn the lock on the door so no onecan get in. That done, Kent puts one hand roughly on my waist and another on my shoulder, moving me briskly forward towards

his desk.

“Oh, come on, Kent,” | say, laughing and turning my head to look at him again. “You don’t like your present? | thought you would— you picked it out just for me —*

“No, Fay,” Kent replies, his voice even and in control now that he’s over his shock. As we come to stand behind his desk, Kentstill behind me, he takes the hand from my shoulder and raises it to my cheek, firmly pressing his fingers against my face untilI'm fully turned away from him, facing into the room. | can feel him standing close behind me, though. | can feel the warmth of


“This has nothing to do with how you look,” he continues, and my skin shivers as | realize that | can’t see him at all. | have notidea what's going to happen next. And then | flinch, a little, in surprise and excitement when both of Kent’s hands settle on mywaist and he begins to slide them upward, his palms and

Chapter 2163/3

his fingers running lightly across myribs. My breath catches at his nextwords. “Because you look zing inthat set he rueiuts,ns voice closethy car now. “Just how | imaginedyou'd look in it. And trust me, Fay,” hecontinues, “| have spent a long timethinking about how you'd lookdressed just. like. that.” The contentis on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

His hands brush delicately againstthe underside of my breasts, makingmy breath deepen, and tea Ka |npoves his Acids downward, histouch feather-light as his palmsslide past my waist and move downtowards my hips. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“But,” he whispers as his hands settleright on top of the sides. of mypanties, “you've gotten too bold, Fay.”

His voice eeseneycte His géipC aytightendagail's me. | feel my pulsespeed up as | realize that he’s...he’sangry with me. “You think you can dowhatever you want in this house,” hecontinues. “But there are rules. Andconsequences, when those rules arebroken.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

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