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Chapter 208

Chapter 208

Kent blinks at me then, his lips parting a little in surprise; and then he shakes his head, blinking as a little smirk pulls athis mouth. “Come on, Fay,” he sighs, reaching out a hand that he places between my shoulder blades, ushering me

neatly towards the open door. “Come inside. Welcome home.”

Surprised, pleased, | do as he says, only turning back for the little suitcase. “Leave it,” he murmurs,continuing to urge me forward. “They should have taken it in for you anyway.”

“Oh,” I say, glancing backwards at it and then at Marco and

Gianni, who seem to be realizing the same thing at the same time. Marco sighs and puts his head in his hands, but Igive them both a smile. Kent’s back turned, Gianninovelbin

risks giving me a little wave

guards like me, at least a little bit, | walk with Kent into the house and look up at him. “Did you have a nice night?” | ask,a little desperate to break the silence.

Kent looks down at me for amoment while he closes the door, but he doesn’t answer my question. “Did you have a nice night, Fay?”

“Um,” | say, my fingers reaching up to tangle in my hair, which | know is...unkempt, after a little — just a little — frisky businesswith Ivan and a night sleeping outside.

Kent's face goes dark as he sees me

playing with my hair


| only do when I’m anxious.

Realizing that I’m giving away more than | want to, | drop myhands and fold them neatly behind my back.

“What happened?” Kent asks, taking a step closer to me, glowering down at me so | have to tilt my head back and look up athim. “Did he touch you?”

| frown at Kent then, a little defiance curling in my stomach as he glares at me. “Was he...not supposed to touch me?” | ask. “Itwas a date, Kent. You knew that

Chapter 208when you sent me.”

| see anger grow in him then, visible in the flare of his nostrils, the tightening of his jaw, the way his shoulders flex back and hisfingers curl towards fists. “I don’t want him touching you, Fay,” Kent glowers, his voice barely louder than a whisper anddangerous in its depths.

“Well, then what do you want, Kent,” | reply, not budging an inch and looking up into his face. “Do you wantinformation? Or do you want me untouched? Because...I’m

not sure you can have both.”perccontent operen’ Ixd.com! Read

the idtest chapter there!

>> The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Arumble sounds deep in Kent’s chest and he draws closer to me,

but then, to my surprise, he checks himself, backing off and sliding his hands smoothly into his pockets as he looksme over from head to foot. The anger is still there — and, well, the jealousy, if I’m going to put a name to it but | can seethat his curiosity is also peaked. “Upstairs,” he commands, nodding to the staircase. “Now.”


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