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Chapter 201

Fall For My Ex’s Mafia FatherChapter 201

“See ya, Daniel!” Fay says cheerfully, giving him a squeeze and then letting him go. Ivan smirks at both of them, notmissing that there was no good-

bye kiss. Kent grits his teeth at his son’s inability to read the room. As Ivan moves to open the front door, Kent movesto Fay’s side, partially wanting to cover for Daniel’s mistake and partially wanting... well.

“Have a nice time, Fay,” he half murmurs, half growls, placing a hand on her waist to pull her toFall For My Ex’s Mafia Father

his side. Then, he places a fatherly

kiss on her forehead.

As Kent pulls away, Fay looks into his eyes, disbelief and irony

written all over her face. She

shakes her head at him while

Ivan’s back turned. “Sure thing, daddy,” she whispers, taking the opportunity to fist a hand in his shirt and pull himhard against her. “Don’t miss me too much.”

She gives him a look, then, that twists Kent stomach and sends allhis blood rushing for his cock. But before he can respond, she’s letFall For My Ex’s Mafia Father

him go and is moving through the door, not even looking over her shoulder as she leaves, the guards following after her. WhenFay takes lvan’s hand and smiles up at him as they walk down the front steps, Kent grits his teeth and slams the door behindher.

He takes a moment to collect himself, breathing hard, and then turns towards his office to see...Daniel, standing there, his expression a little scandalized.

“You okay, dad?” Daniel asks slowly.

Chapter 201

Kent says nothing, just turns and storms into his office, slamming

that door as well.

“So, where are we off to?” | ask, eagerly smiling as | buckle my seatbelt in the front of his car. But while | was expecting words,lvan’s response is to place a gentle hand on my cheek, turning my

face to him.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asks, searching my face. “That was... intense in there. Weird.”

Chapter 201

| melt a little, looking into his pretty grey eyes, and nod my head. “It’s...always weird in there. Casa Lippert is a strange place.”

“I'm starting to get that impression,” Ivan mutters, still staring at me. “It’s really good to see you Fay,” he continues quietly,sincerity all over his face.

| take a deep breath, suddenly relaxed, more relaxed maybe than I’ve been all day, which is weird considering...well. | push thatthought from my mind and give Ivan a real smile. Not the

Chapter 201

fake ones I’ve been pasting onto my face since he came into Kent's house. “It’s good to see you too,” | sigh, taking his hand.“Really good.”

“Good,” he says, grinning at the redundancy in our conversation. Then, he turns his attention to the road. “You want to go eatsome seafood?”

“Always!” | reply, suddenly eager. “Are we going to the beach?”“Mountains, actually,” he says as he pulls out of the driveway,

Chapter 201

Kent’s guards following behind us

in a black SUV. The conten iS-PA)

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“Seafood in the mountains?” | ask,wrinkling at my ni 3g. (When Weidespojostid.the Shore?” The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Ivan just gives me a little wink. “Trust me,” he says. “You won't regret it.”Fall For My Ex’s Mafia FatherChapter 202

Two hours later, we pull up to the most gorgeous mountain house I’ve ever seen. I’m gaping as | step out, taking in theamazing vista behind the house as well as the

fantastic architecture of the home itself, which looks like it has abouta dozen decks and balconies.

“Oh my god,” | whisper, staring up at it. “Is this...is this your place?” | ask, glancing at Ivan as he comes to stand nextto me.

“Yours, actually,” he relies,

The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

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