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Chapter 197

Chapter 1974/4

We're both silenced, suddenly, by a hard knock at the door, both of our heads spinning towards it. I’m faster than Jerome,though, using this to my advantage. “You know that’s Daniel, right?” | say, smirking as | reach for the handle. “Maybe we shouldjust...let him

in? See what he thinks?”

“No, Fay —” Jerome says, his face worried. But | just grin at him and whip open the door, turning to face Daniel with a wickedgrin.

That falls immediately from my face.Kent is standing there, his arms folded, glaring at me. And then hiseyes flicking dangerously to Jerome, standing behind.

“Sir,” says Jerome, putting his hands out where Kent can see them, like he’s being questioned by the police. “I’m sorry sir -1meant to get her for you, like you asked — but we got distracted —”

“Distracted by what?” Kent says, his voice slow, even. Perilous. | take a step away from Kent, freaked out by the violence on hisface. “What distracted you, Jerome?” Kent asks again, taking a step into the room, his eyes flicking to me once as he prowlscloser to his prey. “What distracted you so much that you came into Fay’s room? Alone? And shut the door? When she’sundressed?”

Chapter 197


“Please,” Jerome begs, quailing a little under the force of Kent’sstare. “I promise-it was nothing — we’re — we're friends —”

Kent doesn’t acknowledge a word that Jerome says, just continues to stalk closer to him until their faces are inches apart. “Getthe fuck out, Jerome.”novelbin

Jerome immediately flinches away, nodding and dashing for the door, clearly scared — perhaps even for his life. He doesn’t evenlook at me as he goes. | watch Jerome’s form disappear out my door and down the steps, shocked and freaked out myself. Then| turn back to Kent, my eyes wide.

“What the hell is going on, Fay?” Kent asks, arms crossed, glaring at me.“Nothing,” | insist, staring at him, shocked. “Seriously, Kent,

there’s nothing going on between me and Jerome, there can’t be, he’s-”And then | stop realizing...

Realizing that Kent actually doesn’t know. That he wouldn't be this jealous, this enraged, if he knew that the bedroom thatJerome is actually secretly visiting is...Daniel’s.

“Kent,” | say, crossing the room to him and putting my hands flat on his chest, looking up into his face. “Seriously, you’ve got tobelieve me — there’s nothing going on between me and Jerome. He’s my friend — one of my only friends, in this house.” | bite mylip

Chapter 197


at him, knowing-well, knowing that that’s worked in the past.

Hoping it works again. “Please — just trust me. It was an innocent


I can tell by the stony nature of Kent's face that he doesn’t quite believe me. | frown a little, confused. Why — if we just slepttogether hours ago — if he just took my virginity - why would he think | was sneaking Jerome up into my room for some kind oftryst?

“You'll have to forgive me for doubting your fidelity, Fay,” Kent sneers. “Especially considering that your boyfriend is downstairs.Waiting for you. To take you on a trip.”

| blink at Kent, totally confused.

Then | take a step away, anxiouthis...is this some ki kixcoF tap? oneopnients Chi NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“Kent,” | whisper. “What are you talking about?”

Kent cocks his head to the side,studying me, but | look at him withhonest confusion on my face. Heassesses me for a 4 QA gejentand thenae thEdodt "Come and

see for yourself,” he says, steppingtowards it. | follow, eager tounderstand, padding after him in mybare feet until we're both standing atthe top of the steps. I’m still lookingup at Kent, though, when he stopsand gestures down to the first floor.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

And then I look and my mouth falls open.

Chapter 197


Because Ivan is standing there, smirking up at me.

“Are you ready, Fay?” he a al

brash assurance, (iofoto Gd?” he

opnients Chk NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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