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Chapter 195

Chapter 195

“Oh,” | say, looking around and considering the place anew. Actually, | can see and understand that now - it’s quite nice up here.Peaceful, like Kent said.

| look at him again, though, biting my lip and trying to work up the courage to ask the real question on my mind. How was | thesame girl who stood up to him downstairs in the stall? Where was she

now when | need her?

“Go ahead, Fay,” Kent says, his eyes still closed, startling me anovelbin

little. “Ask your question.”

| stare at him, surprised. “How did you know | have another question?” | ask, suspicious.

He peeks at me through one half-opened eye. “I can just feel it. Sixth sense. Fay sense.”

1 swat his arm, hating that he’s right, making him laugh as he closes his eye and waits patiently.

“Um,” | say, a little awkward now. “What are we going to do about...pregnancy?”

He laughs a little again, which makes me feel embarrassed and a little mad. “Well it's a serious question “I huff. “We never talkedChapte

about it before- and | don’t want you like, slipping birth control into my morning coffee without asking me —”

He laughs harder then, and | go still with shock.

“Wait —“I start, pushing away from him and looking him dead in the face. “You aren’t already doing that, are you — because that isa violation

“No, Fay,” Kent says, laughing harder and shaking his head. He presses a gentle thumb to my mouth, stopping my tirade, therest of his hand wrapping warmly around my face. “It’s all right,” he continues. “I had a vasectomy — years ago. There’s nothingto

worry about.”

“Oh,” | say, my eyebrows going up in surprise. | had never thought — had never even begun to think... “So,” | say carefully, “youdon't

want any more kids?”“No, Fay,” he says, considering me gently. “Daniel is enough. Do you?”

I shrug, biting my lip. | honestly hadn’t thought about being a mom too much - I've been so focused on my career, and | hadn’treally had a mom for much of my life...

“| don’t know,” | murmur, looking at him seriously.

“That’s all right,” he responds, nodding, understanding. He drops it there and | find that | am grateful. I’m not sure | want to beChapter 195


pressed, right now, on this point. Though | admit, | am glad that |

don’t have to worry about being knocked up.

“Is it always like this?” | whisper suddenly, curling up against him and asking the question before | even realized that it wasgrowing

in me.

Kent tilts his head to the side, studying me seriously, curious. “What do you mean?”

“Like this,” | breathe. | hesitate then- not really knowing...how to explain what | mean.

Slowly, Kent shakes his head side to side. “No, Fay,” he answers seriously. “This was...totally unique.”

Then, quite carefully, as if | were very delicate, or he risks breaking some spell, Kent leans forward to bring his face close tomine. And slowly, gently, he presses his lips to my mouth, carefully kissing me with a warmth and deliberation that...I've neverfelt before.

Not from him.

Not from anyone.

And when he pulls away, he’s smiling at me.

And | feel a fluttering in my stomach that lets me know that | amon quite dangerous ground.

Chapter 195

Luckily, Kent spoils it.


“Next time,” he murmurs, moving his hand lower to grip my ass, using his leverage there to pull me tight against him, “we’regoing

to make sure that you finish too.”“Wait,” | say, cocking my head at him, confused. “I didn’t?”

Kent laughs at me before kissing me soundly, firmly, with complete control. | let him, allowing the kiss to sweep through me,losing myself to it until I’m almost panting again. Then he releases me, smirking down into my face, the controlling Kent | knowsuddenly back.

“Oh Fay,” he teases, arrogant, as he squeezes my ass. “| am going to have a good time, showing you this new world.”

| narrow my eyes at him, halfresenting his smugness, hall expitedto see atisnextl Ys p'my teethplayfutly at him and he laughs, pullingme close for another kiss. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

Chapter 196

A few hours later, | stand in the coolwhite space of my bathroom, s {ngat my freshly showered rfidction inthe mir On wrapped in a towel,another one twisted around my hair,and | The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

can’t stop...looking at myself.

Wondering if I’m...different somehow.

| drop my towel and pull the other from my head with a frustrated sigh, turning and trying to get a look at my naked body in themirror from different angles, working to truly see...

But then I give up, glaring at myself in the mirror a little bit.

Because | know that | don’t look different — not really, not at all.

Because that’s impossible.

But | do know that, inside...l am different. Things have changed — |

have changed. And | don’t know at all how | feel about it.

Everything just feels so...strange. And new. When | had left the house this morning, | was one person and now...am | someoneelse? My body keeps reminding me that things are different too,

with a low ache between my legs a constant reminder of how

| spent the afternoon. And my thighskeep shaking a little, just tiny tremors,probably because|| Kaneswirappe ‘ound Kent's waist all day,and | was using muscles | haven'thad to use The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


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