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Chapter 192

Chapter 192Kent pushes his pants downward as he lays me down again onthe blanket. | keep my eyes closed, but | can feel him moving his

legs, kicking the pants off as he brings his body back to mine. Then, he lays the length of himself down on top of me and myeyes fly open as | feel the new sensation of his skin flush against

mine.As | feel feel...him. All of him, pressed against my hip.

I gasp a little, starting to tremble a bit at the newness of it all. He is...big. | can feel it. | mean, | never thought he’d be small-goddamn it, | never thought about it at all-never really considered

any of these sorts of things-Oh my god, was | supposed to think about this? Was | ready-

“It's all right, Fay,” Kent murmurs to me, running a slow hand down my side, across my ribs and my waist and my hip. | snap myeyes to his, wanting and needing his calm. Kent looks at me steadily, his face serious. “It’s all right.”

I nod, a little shaky, but trusting him. | am happy, for once, to let Kent take complete control here. And from that moment forward,he does.

We don’t move slowly, though, as | thought we might. Instead,

Chapter 192novelbin


Kent's slow caresses of my body with his calloused hand, his

mouth hot against my mouth, against my neck, my shoulders, my


All of it makes me writhe beneath him, urging him onward with afervor | didn’t know | had.

He doesn’t say a word, though, doesn’t acknowledge my racing pulse, my harsh breathing, my tugs against his body to bring himcloser against me as he slides one of his broad hands between my legs and slowly, torturously, draws one finger down the length

of me.

| moan, my body arching against him, twisting my head to the side as | gasp against the intensity of the sensation.This, apparently, breaks his silence.

“God damn it, Fay,” Kent growls as he watches me, doing it again,

more deliberate this time, allowing his fingers to explore the wet

core of me. I’m soaking for him, | know, already, and | press my eyes even more tightly closed as | feel him slowly press a fingerinside of me. | gasp at the sudden rush of sensation, and then cry

out as he moves his thumb upward at the same time, finding thatprecise spot on me that makes me shudder as he presses against1. it.Kent lowers his face to my body as he slowly moves his hand,circling my clit gently with his thumb, pulsing his finger inside of me in a way that | find... maddening, and incredible, and rich.Chapter 192Then, just as I’m starting to understand it, to feel the rhythm ofhim, to feel my own hips pulse against his hand, | feel him shiftand then, slowly, deliberately, he slides another finger in.


My moan is feral and guttural thistime, my eyes pressing more tightlyclosed as my net ess backionv neck(| diah kh w — | had no ideait felt like this- | shake and cry outagain, unable to help myself asKent's fingers explore me, softlycurling inside of me and hitting- Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

God damn it, a point | hadn’t even known was there —| shiver against his hand, making small gasping, desperate noises | didn’t know | had in me before-

Suddenly, | hear Kent curse and pull his hand away from me. | begin to sit up, surprised, disappointed, my eyelids heavy-wanting more-

But Kent presses me back againstthe blankets, laying his whole bodyon top of mine. | pene at the

f lof hig skin AgaihSt my owntoo—bare, too—-raw flesh, every singleone of my nerves brought to theiredge by the feel of him- by what hewas doing to The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

1.me.“I'm sorry, Fay,” | hear him murmur as he settles himself between my legs. “I should- but | can’t-fuck, Fay, | can’t wait any more-”| nod, wanting it, understanding — but also — suddenly — anxious again —Chapter 1924/4

| feel him reach down between us, hisknuckles grazing the skin of mystomach as he Heel asa ee we wide open as |feel him press himself against me. |look up into his face, suddenly scaredat the feeling of his cock at myentrance. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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