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Chapter 19

GiftsChapter 19 — The Secret Room Downstairs—1“Come on, baby Fay,” she says with a smile. “Let’s go have a drink.”

I shrug, not hating the idea, and let Fiona help me out of the wedding gown. After | change, | follow her through the kitchen andout into a beautiful little garden | didn’t know was here.

“Oh wow,” | say, looking around. “It’s beautiful out here.”

It really is. There’s a full grill and wet bar pressed up against the house. Next to it is a stone patio with a hand-carved woodentable covered by a tall pergola that has grape vines curling all around it. The whole area is surrounded by tall hedges, keepingout prying eyes.

Fiona bends down to remove a bottle of wine from the fridge and pops it open, filling two delicate glasses that she takes downfrom the rack above the sink. | sit down at the table as she brings the glasses over.

“This is Kent's latest vintage,” she says as | raise the glass to my lips. The wine is dry, but | feel a little bit of bubble against mylips as | sip.

It's delicious. As | peer at it in the glass, | suddenly realize something. “Wait, has Kent been the one sending the clothes up to myroom? The ones | wear everyday?”

the way he wants me to.

But behind my disgust at the idea, a very little bit of me...likes it.

“It's so nice to have a chance to sit with you one-on-one,” Fiona says, interrupting my thoughts. “You know, have a little girl talk.”I smile at her. “Yes, | agree. | used to do this all the time with my


“Aww,” Fiona says, giving me a warm smile. You can consider me your sister now, if you want.”

I smile at her and nod.

“So!” she says, leaning forward. “How are things going with you and Daniel?”

| press my lips together. | definitely can’t tell her the truth — | promised Daniel | wouldn’t — but, frankly, I’m dying for someone totalk to.

She leans in. “Don’t be shy,” she says. “You can trust me.”

“Well,” | say, hesitating. “| mean, | really like Daniel a lot — but, I’m just not sure we’re meant to be. Romantically.”“Why do you say that?” she says, curious. “Is the physical connection just not there?”

| hesitate, realizing that we’re getting a little too close to the

She leans forward to whisper more. “Is he no good in bed?”

| blush terribly then, biting my lip, too ashamed to admit that | have no way of knowing. And never will.

Fiona stares at me and then figures it out, sitting back with a gasp. “You mean...you never...”

My blush deepens.


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Chapter 19 — The Secret Room Downstairs—2

“Fay,” she says, looking actually worried for me now. “You're not


My eyes dart to her and | know she can see the truth there.

“Oh my god,” she murmurs. “You're a virgin.”

I nod hastily and then take a big gulp of my wine. If we’re going to have this conversation, I'd rather be lubricated.

To my surprise, Fiona laughs loudly and claps her hands, tickled by the idea. “Baby Fay!” she laughs, “you are too cute!” | can’thelp but laugh with her.

When she finishes laughing she shakes her head at me, truly ing the role of a big sister. “So what’s the problem, baby? haven'tyou given it up to him? Are you scared? Shy?”

shrug a little, not really knowing how to say it. “I’m not... opposed. | just...! don’t know what to do.”

“Well sweetie,” she says, finishing her glass of wine and standing up. “In this world, you’ve got to keep your man happy. Let mehelp.”

| stand up with her and swallow my glass of. Then, | followMy mouth falls open in surp

problem is? | have to stop myself from laughing.

“Um, thank you,” | say, blushing again, “but —


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Chapter 19 —- The Secret Room Downstairs—3

“No buts!” she says, taking me by the shoulders and settling me into the leather chair. “Listen, I’m going to leave you down hereby yourself, so just go ahead and explore,” she says.

“There’s lots of VHS tapes up there,” she continues, gesturing towards the corner where she found the magazines, “if movies aremore your thing. Stay for as long as you want — nobody is going to bother you here!”

| sigh as | find myself alone in the room, staring at the stack of porn in my lap. What the hell was | doing here? This is so not mything.

But, well. | have to admit I’m curiousabout this crazy porn stash. And It’snot like there’s an ingelge to dol |fli kthrsugh a Gouple of the

agazines — they're super old,definitely before Kent's time — andwonder who collected them in thefirst place. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Bored with that, | wander over to the stack of movies, laughing a little at the titles.Busty Co—Eds and their Punishing Professors

Street Skanks in 3D.

What the hell was this crap?

over here by mistake?

Curious, | take it over to the waiting VCR and pop it in, rewinding to the start. Then | sit back in the chair and press play on theremote.

It is indeed a home video. The room being recorded is empty, though I can see a bed in a pretty room with two windows behindit. Frowning, | lean forward. Those windows look a lot like the ones in my —

I gasp, then, as a woman walks naked onto the screen. She lays herself down on the bed, looking offscreen at the person whomust have turned on the video recorder. Then, laying on her back, she slowly lets her knees drift apart, beckoning with a crookedfinger.

| stare, fascinated, as someone elsecomes on the screen. | slap my hand

across my mouth ee ary realize thattao, ‘otaliend éd. The man

awls onto the bed, slipping a handbeneath the woman to flip her overso that she’s kneeling down, herweight resting on her knees. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

When the man positions himself so that he’s kneeling behind her, | get the shock of my life.

It's Kent. I’m watching Kent Lippert’s homemade porn.

Mesmerized, | watch Kent reachdown to touch himself. The womanis in the way Ica eenydetails -

but | Lcanitel hes tone and ready forher Me gives her a loud smack on theass and, as she gives a little yelp,plunges himself inside her, grabbingher by the hips. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| lean forward, fascinated, when suddenly the door next to the television swings open.My eyes fly to the door to see my worst nightmare —Kent is standing right there.

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