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Chapter 184

Chapter 184

| pull the door open, curious to face him, but then blink in surprise

when | see Daniel standing there.

“Oh,” | say, my eyes wide as | look up at him. “Daniel.”

He smirks, leaning against my doorframe with a basket full of supplies in his arms. “What. Expecting someone else?”| laugh a little and look down at the basket, filled with popcorn and

movie supplies. “What are you doing here?”

“Movie night,” he reminds me, perhaps a little too cheerfully. Thennovelbin

he looks beyond me, expectant. “Can | come in?”

| bite my lip, not really knowing how to say “no, thank you, please go away, your dad | think wants to take my virginity tonight andbe quite nice about it.” But Daniel doesn’t wait for my reply anyway,

pushing past me.“| was thinking some 90’s classics tonight,” he says, looking atme with a grin as he settles onto my bed. “Start with Clueless?”

“Sure,” | say, giving him a smile and leaning on the wall as | watch him pull his laptop from the basket and open it so that we canwatch the movie in here. After a few moments, Daniel notices me

watching him from the open doorway, and pauses his action.

Chapter 184


“I'm trying, Fay,” he says quietly, looking at me gently. “I still want


“Why?” | breathe, shaking my head, not understanding him. “Daniel, you don’t even like me — and what about Jerome,shouldn’t you be on this date with him?”

Daniel purses his lip and looks at the door, as if Jerome will show

up in the hallway at any moment. “I have to marry someone, Fay. And in this world, it can’t be a man.” He shifts his gaze to mine.“| want it to be you — | care about you in my own way. Won't you please let me try to convince you that this could be good?”

“Daniel,” | sigh, looking down at the floor. “I just don’t know...”“Please, Fay,” he begs, and | look up at him when | hear his voicecatch. God damn it, but | can’t let my friend cry. “Just...can weplease just do this? Can you please let me try?”

“Okay,” | whisper, pushing the door shut and coming over to thebed. | climb in next to my friend, leaning against the pillows andputting my head on his shoulder. “But you have to rank each ofthe guys on screen on a scale from 1 to 10, and you have to behonest about it.”

“Paul Rudd is the only ten,” Daniel murmurs, pressing play on the computer and then grabbing a bag of popcorn from the basket,offering it to me. | laugh as | accept it, and then, comfortable, begin to watch the film.

Chapter 1843/3

About an hour in, a knock comes at the door. | go still when | hear

it, cursing myself for — stupidly —letting Daniel’s dra éake meltforget thatcauh{Kbnt sent all of theseclothes for a reason. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Till get it,” Daniel says, hopping out of bed before | can even move. As if he was...waiting for it.

“Daniel, no —“I call, trying to grab theedge of his shirt as EPIONED mMt ards the ddr. But he’s too fastfor me. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Daniel pulls the door open and leanscasually against the wall w en, he,sees hi eg gtanding ere. “Heydid" Daniel says, arrogant. “What'sup.” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

| groan and put my hand over my face. As if he didn’t know.“Well,” Kent says. “Isn’t this a surprise.”

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