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Chapter 181

Chapter 181

��You will fall in line!�� he commands, grabbing for my arm. ��You are my daughter �� you will do as | demand ����

��| will not!�� | shout, ripping my arm from his grasp and angry enough to find my feet and face him as we stumble out into thehall. ��You have no right to make demands on who | marry �� let

alone belittle me by calling me a slut when I��ve done nothing to ����

He silences me, then, with a sharp slap across my face.

I gasp, stumbling back, my hand instantly going to my smarting


| look back up at my father, aghast. My real dad has never-��ever in

my life �� hit me. The rage it engenders surprises me as | clench my

teeth and growl, fighting the desire to claw his damn eyes out.

But, instead, | remember precisely who | am, and | stand straight,

dropping my hand and giving him a withering glare.

��Kent will have something to say about that,�� | say softly, looking him straight in the eyes. ��And so, | think, will Ivan.��Then, my eyes shift to Romulus. ��If you ever need to get out of

here, kid?�� | say quickly, before anyone can interrupt. ��You call

me.�� Then | return my eyes to my father. ��Because my mother wasnovelbin

Chapter 181

right to run. And anyone who stays is a damn fool.��


My father lets out a bellow of rage and throws himself towards me, but I��m already out the door, running down the steps. Jeromeis leaning casually against the waiting car but he jumps up when he sees me coming, pulling the back door open and running forthe driver's door. Jerome starts the car even as he sits down and

slams it into drive the moment | hurl myself into the back seat.

��Go!�� | shout, pulling the door behind me and looking over my shoulder to see my seething father stumble into the drive. Jeromedoes as he��s asked and peels off of his property and onto the

road.��Do you ever not cause trouble, Fay?�� he mumbles, glancing at me worriedly in the rearview mirror.| pause and then levelly meet his gaze, still shaken. ��Look who��s talking, Jerome,�� | mumble, sarcastic.

Jerome gives me a little laugh that warms my heart. He drives swiftly down the road for a few moments before speaking again.��Come on, kid,�� he says kindly. ��Let's get you a milkshake. You

look like you need it.����Is that...allowed?�� | ask, curious.

Jerome just cocks his head and glances at me over his shoulder. ��Lippert told me to take you to lunch, right? Who am | to takeyou home hungry. Besides,�� he says, hesitant, ��you're the boss�� girl

Chapter 181

now. I��m yours to command.��3/3

| settle back into the leather of theseats, a bit leased atts my Thecbnt��nt'is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

heart certainly lighter to have Jerome be so nice to me after such

a nightmare of a visit. | know,suddenly precisely itypDani�? hesTheldont At is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

him so much.

��Well then,�� | say softly. ��Milkshakesand cheeseburgersyt i@Leadtne |way vetarhie? The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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Fall For My Ex��s Mafia Father

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