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Chapter 179

Chapter 1791/4

At eleven, | walk through the door to the garages, a sigh on my lips. | see Jerome immediately, waiting by one of the black cars.He gives me a big smile, which | return unenthusiastically. It’s not

him — | just...really don’t want to go to lunch at my father’s house.

Jerome gives me an understanding little grimace as he opens the

back door for me and | climb in.

“You doing all right?” he calls over his shoulder as opens the driver’s door and sits down in the front seat, genuinely curious.“Just ready for this to be over,” | say back to him, leaning my

head back and closing my eyes. Jerome makes a little grunt of

understanding and begins to pull out of the garage and down the


When we're on the road, | pull out my burner phone to send

some long-delayed texts. | feel safe using it in my room, but not

really anywhere else in the house. Not that my room is really safe anyway — Kent is very likely to have it checked daily, after thenote from Fiona.

Still, better safe than sorry.

I'm pleased when | see that a text from Ivan is waiting.

Ivan: Good morning, beautiful. | hope you slept well. Any chancel get to see you tonight?| sigh, really wanting to say yes, but knowing it’s impossible.

Fay: Sorry, already have plans. Send me a pic so | know how

desperately sad this news makes you.

| laugh, a few seconds later, when Ivan sends me a picture of him with an exaggerated frown, tracing a finger down his cheeklike

a tear. Jerome looks curiously at me in the rearview mirror so | do my best to wipe my face clean, not wanting him to know whatrm

up to. Then, | reply to Ivan.Fay: You're pretty even when you’re sad. Check in with me later.

Then, I’m pleased to see a text from Janeen pop onto the screen. I’m eager to see it — she never texts first unless she has agood

reason for it.

Janeen: Lawyer came by this morning — gave us the deed to the

house! Dad was so thrilled he cried. Wish you were here to see it.

Lawyer also gave us a list of potential beach properties — insane!

Apicture of a gigantic white and blue beach house pops up next, along with her assessment.Janeen: This one is my fav, though I’m really looking for one with a

hot tub.

Chapter 179


| stifle my laugh by biting my lip, but | can’t help the smile that bursts out on my face. A bad lunch with my dad is definitely worthit, if | can make my sister and my dad this happy. Quickly, | type a

reply.Fay: Pick whichever one you want. But the biggest bedroom is for1. me. Don’t forget who got you that beach house,Janeen’s reply is prompt.Janeen: Or how you got it! Proud of you sis. Make that $$She ends the text with the emojis of a cat with heart eyes, a peach, and an eggplant that, in combination, make me blush. |tuck my phone away, newly bolstered for the afternoon ahead of1.me.

We pull up to my father’s house not long after and | see my

stepmother Tristin waiting by the door, her arms crossed. Little


Romulus stands next to her, wavingenthusiastically. | s llevt pina 111

tefuXthat at feast someone ishappy to see me. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

When | step out of the car, Romulus dashes to me, wrapping hisarms around my leg in greeting.

“Hey kid!” | say, laughing and ruffling his hair.

“Hi, sister!” he exclaims, grinning up at me. “I missed you! Whydid you stay away?”

Chapter 179

“Oh,” | say, frowning and feeling guiltyall of a sudden. "| dignitmearttd Umspr Nike Content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


“Romulus,” Tristin calls, and | look up

at her, still Stans by thea door.

mullgiiers aéof e and runs tohef. | follow closely behind. The

content is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

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Chapter 180

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