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Chapter 176

Chapter 176

Kent, who never comes to my bedroom in the morning — who always waits to speak to me until | come down to the kitchen forbreakfast.

I stare at him, shocked and a little afraid, as his eyes flick over me, quickly assessing my rumpled hair and my bare legs and —oh my god-

Ivan’s jacket.

Indeed, his eyes pause for a moment on the fine wool of the suitcoat, its long sleeves rolled up to my elbows. It’s way too big forme, and Kent would certainly recognize one from his own collection or from Daniel's, so he certainly will figure out...

I see him put the pieces together as he clenches his jaw and moves his eyes back to mine. “Good morning, Fay,” he says, hiscalm belying the anger | can see roiling behind his eyes.

“Good morning, Kent,” | whisper, leaning against the doorframe, wanting the support.

Kent opens his mouth to say something but then snaps it shut, looking down again at the suit jacket and then turning his head tolook down the hall. Or, at least that’s the direction of his gaze. | can tell from his unfocused eyes that he’s not looking at anything

Chapter 176

— just staring into space as he puts together his thoughts.


“| have new instructions for you,” he says after a moment, still

not looking at me. | watch him, curious, my anxiety increasing. If he just has instructions, why didn’t he wait to give them to me atbreakfast, like he always does?

“All right,” | say quietly, waiting for him to continue.

But he doesn't. Instead, he just nods abruptly and turns away, heading back down stairs. | watch him go, baffled, but noting thathe doesn’t look at me again. Not once.novelbin

Almost as if he can’t.

Alittle smirk pulls at my lips as | slowly shut my bedroom door and look down at Ivan’s suitcoat. Well. That hadn’t been myintention, when | put it on.... But it certainly yielded results, didn’t it?

| take careful note, and then head to my bathroom to start getting dressed for my day. When | return from my shower, | see that

my clothes delivery has arrived and that it contains a crisp little blazer in just my size. | smile and tuck lvan’s jacket away behindthe headboard of my bed, hoping that the household staff won’t find it there. I’m not ready to say goodbye to it, not just yet, and Iknow that if | leave it in my wardrobe today that, by this evening, it will have mysteriously disappeared.

Twenty minute later | head downstairs for breakfast, dressed in the suitcoat and chic grey slacks that Kent chose for me. It’s aChapter 176


more formal and restrained look than I’m used to, and I’m curious

about what he has planned for me. I’m certainly not going to the

stables, after all — not dressed like this.

When | push through the door to the kitchen, though, the first person | see is Daniel. My stomach drops and | hesitate when helooks up to meet my gaze. He does not look happy.

Instead, for the first time since I’ve known him, Daniel refuses to smile at me. He just looks at me, grim. A little angry. Then, hiseyes flick to the empty chair across from him, a demand as much as an invitation.

| hesitate a little longer, glancing around the room to better assess the situation. My gaze falls, on Jerome, who is likewiselooking at me. Jerome gives me an exaggerated wide-eyed grimace, drawing a finger across his throat and nodding towardsDaniel. His meaning could not be more clear: I'm dead meat.

Nodding towards Jerome, who gives me a sympathetic shrug, | make my way over to our little breakfast table and sit downacross from Daniel.

“Good morning, Fay,” he says, his voice even. | raise my eyes to glare at him a little, wondering if he realizes just how much hesounds like his dad in this moment. Who the hell was he anyway, to make me feel bad about anything, when he’s sleeping withJerome?

“Good morning, Daniel.” | murmur, mocking his tone a bit. |Chapter 176

Chapter 176

probably shouldn't, but | can’t help myself.


“And just how long,” he bites out, glaring at me, “have you been fucking my dad?”4

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Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father


Chapter 177

“Oh my god, Daniel,” | spit, blushing beet red and leaning forward across the table. “Are you serious? Before coffee?”

He leans back in his chair and glares at me. “What, do you thinkcoffee is going to make this any better?”

“Yah,” | say, snatching his own tiny espresso cup from its placein front of him and quickly draining it. Screw him, | need this waymore than he does..

Daniel’s mouth falls open a littlewhen he sees wh tweyione Cryhe camblafis that's mine!” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

I slam the cup back onto the table and glare at him in return.“Oops,” | say, cocking my head to the side and crossing my armsover my chest as | lean back.

“You're being such a brat, Fay,” Daniel hisses, leaning over thetable. “I can’t believe you're acting like this, after what you did tome-”

“What | did to you, Daniel?!” | exclaim,huffing in disbelief Svo0reThe :centént!i $h NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

the one making crude accusationsbefore I've barely h eshenes tolsit

wa and) what bfdiness is it ofyours anyway!” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“You're my fiancé! Of course it’s my business!” He retorts, his

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