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Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Because that’s what it’s all about, after all, Kent thinks ruefully.Control. Everything is about control — controlling his life, his world,the underworld, his business ventures, the threats to his powerand everything he and his family have built. He has to keep a tightfist around all of it — absolutely all of it — or it will fall apart.

And Fay-

Somehow, fucking Fay-

This wisp of a girl, this tiny, naive, coltish thing who knows absolutely nothing about this world —Somehow, she is the thing that threatened to undo it all. Becauseshe makes him absolutely lose control. With her, he has no ideawhat he will do next.

And the intensity of how he feels towards her — how much he wants her... Yes, on one level it’s a physical desire — but Kent isforced to admit, now, laying on the floor staring at his ceiling that it goes beyond that. That the magnitude of what he feels is notjust

a desire for a woman he seeks to control, but...novelbin

God damn it.

It's a real, true pull towards her that he hasn't felt since he first met

Chapter 174


his wife. And the pull-it's inexorable. Heavy, like the chain of an anchor wrapped around his feet. Like gravity, with Fay at thecenter of the earth.

And this, all of this? The scaring her, the need to break her, to make her submit — it was all a fight against the power of that pull.

But deep down, he knows, it’s like the ocean fighting the moon’s sway over the tides. He can crash all he wants, but Fay is theforce that calls the still waters within him to her. Makes them rise so high

he thinks he might drown.

Give in, the voice inside himself whispers. Just swim down.

But god damn it, he can’t. He can’t.

Because if Kent gives in to just this one thing, the rest will fall — likedominoes, or a loose string on a sweater. It will all fall apart.

And so Kent lays for hours on that floor, trapped, stuck like a bugpinned to a board, torn between opposing forces. The first desire,the stronger one, is to let it all collapse as he takes her in his arms.That desire’s insidious twin, however, still whispers into his earthat if he just pushes a little harder...he can break her. Make herfall in line. That he can have her in his world, just as he likes her —that he can make her fit.

Kent agonizes over it, truly torn over the question of which path to take, because he knows that these are the only two paths inhis life. Because any option that keeps Fay out of his life...

Chapter 174

Well. It's just not an option. Not anymore.3/3

Kent has to come up with a plan. Butall the while thatheadohizes Theopnients Sh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

over his two options, a voice

murmurs in the back CDhisnfd thatTHe@onthf? is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

neither of these options really aaconsiders the true, thicdal ofthe the

ceniént!i Sh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!


The very real possibility that Fay will break him first.And take it all for herself.


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