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Chapter 162

Chapter 162Ivan laughs a little and shakes his head, coming forward to take

me by the arm. “I’m sorry, Fay,” he says, and | look up to see real apology on his face. “I shouldn’t have said that-you lookbeautiful.”

I'm still blushing, though. | never should have worn this dress.

“Come on,” Ivan says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and nodding his head towards the restaurant. “Let’s go getsomething

to eat.”

I stop in my tracks, though, realizing — quite suddenly — that | don’t want to go in there. | don’t want to go to another mafiahotspot,

the place Daniel took me because his daddy has connections

here, where Ivan was able to get a last-minute reservation

because he, too, has connections.

Kent sent me on this date, but | get to decide what happens from

here on out. In the end, I’m in control.

Ivan looks down at me, curious about my pause, but | flash him a big smile.

“Actually,” | say, eager. “Do you want to go somewhere else?”

He cocks his head, curious. “I thought you wanted to come here.”

Chapter 162

“Did Kent tell you that?” | ask.

“| told him to send the car to a restaurant | picked, and he said

he was sending you here. Because it’s your favorite.” A slow,

dangerous little smile starts to form on Ivan’s face.


“Yeah well,” | say, wrinkling my nose at him. “Kent doesn’t know

me as well as he thinks he does.”

Ivan simply nods, his smile growing, and raises a hand to signal the valet to bring his car back.Thirty minutes later, lvan and | are sitting on top of a picnic table in my old neighborhood, our feet resting on the bench and anenormous spread of tacos set out between us. | directed Ivan to

drive here, knowing that my favorite food truck sets itself up on

the edge of this little park on Tuesday nights. It’s dark out, but the

owners have strung up some cheerful lights and are playing some

traditional music. It’s not a busy night, either, so Ivan and | have the place mostly to ourselves.It is, overall, kind of perfect.

“This is amazing,” lvan murmurs, taking another bite of a carne asada taco. “How did | not know that this place was here?”I give him a little wink. “Neighborhood secret,” | say, lifting my

Chapter 162


beer to my mouth and taking a sip. “We don’t usually let outsiders

in but,” | give him a surveying glance from head to foot, “for you, we'll make an exception.”Ivan smirks at me. “Gracious of you,” he says, and then takes another bite, finishing his taco and reaching for another.

I smile, pleased that he approves, and nestle a little further into the warmth of Ivan’s suit jacket. He spread over my shoulderswhen we got here, intuiting that | might get cold sitting outside. | watch

Ivan as he eats, observing the tattoos on his forearms that are

revealed by his rolled—up shirtsleeves.

“What's this one for?” | ask, pointing

to an image of the ky Mangan the

O tsideygf bisieft & m, lvan looks toere I'm The content is on

NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

pointing and then takes a moment to swallow before answering.


“My dad,” he says, looking seriouslyinto my face. “He digd @bout Five!years ado tHe Content isonNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“I'm sorry,” | say, frowning and wondering, suddenly, what his lifeis actually like. All | know is that he’s the ambitious young prodigy

of the underworld, and that he’s

smart and AGS | have into)

i a.reallycwtiere h comes from oro he loves. The content is on

NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!


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Chapter 163

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