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Chapter 153

Chapter 1531/3Damn it, but | don’t want to. A huge part of my knows that it would be the smart thing to do, but the other part of me...

| look my sister in the eye. “You're right,” | say, a little grim. “I don’t know what it is about this world, Janeen. But I’m not ready toleave it yet.”

She shrugs. “I get it. I’m a stripper. Everything logical tells me that this is not a career path that’s viable forever, that’s not going toget

me a white picket fence and the American dream. But honestly, that’s not what | want anyway. Baby, you have to figure out whatyou want.”

| bite my lip, looking up at my sister through my lashes, a little

ashamed of myself as | finally admit to myself what | want. What

I've wanted for weeks now.

Janeen steadily holds my gaze. “You want him.”

Slowly, | nod.

Her face falls a little with sadness and worry. “It’s not...the easy

path, Fay,” she says, reaching a hand across the table and taking

mine. “But | get it.” She wrinkles her nose at me. “He’s really hot.”

| burst out laughing at this, squeezing my sister’s hand and

Chapter 153

pressing my other to my face, covering my eyes. “Oh my god, Janeen,” | laugh. “You have to stop saying stuff like that.”2/3

“What!” she cries, laughing harder. “If he were really ugly | would tell you to go, but come on Fay, at least he looks like someonewho is going to rip your panties off and —”

“Janeen!” | gasp, ripping my hand from my face and glaring at her.

“Oh Fay,” she says, letting my hand go and sitting back in her chair. “What do you think you two are going to do, play checkers?”She rolls her eyes again.

I sigh, ignoring her and sitting back in my chair, staring at the


“It's a good deal, Fay,” she says, gentle again. “I mean, the way

this is headed, it sounds like you were going to fuck him anyway. May as well get something from it.”“But how do | do it?” | sigh, slumping in my chair and feeling

defeated. “Il mean, if | did decide to do this- Janeen, I’m not as brave or savvy as you,” | shake my head. “I have no idea how toplay this, how to make this world give me what | want. I’m afraid- I’m afraid it's going to eat me alive.”

| cover my eyes with my hand again, overwhelmed.

“| don’t know, Fay,” Janeen replies, and | can hear the smirk in hervoice. “It sounds to me like you made the mafia king want to boneChapter 153


you so badly that he called off your engagement to his son andoffered you a horse, a beach house, and millions of dollars just to get in your pants.” | snap my gaze up at her, again shocked.

She just cocks her head to the sideand smiles at me..“ havever yobiireing," shesay&rhising her glass.aybe keep doing it.” The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


“Yeah,” | say, laughing a little and wrapping my hand around myown drink. “Maybe | can get a private jet next.”

We both grin at each other as oureyes meet, though | roll. mi e Sheydoesn’tand igateadh $ her glasslit td me in invitation. After a secondof hesitation, | clink mine against it.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!


“Whatever you decide, Fay,” she sayshappily. “l support you. BUL Westieyou do, dopitforgatnst youre doingthis for you. Not for him. When itstops serving you? Get out.” Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

I nod to her seriously, grateful for her wise advice.And then | drain my glass, leaning forward across the table to ask my sister to help me plan my next steps.Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father

Chapter 154

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