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Chapter 149

Chapter 1491/4novelbin

| could kill him, | think, my teeth clenched, my lips pressed to a thin line. Absolutely murder him. My eyes flick to the kitchen dooras | storm towards the garage. For a second | think about all the sharp knives in that kitchen that would help me do the job, butthen | push the thought out of my mind. Kent deserves a far worse death than that. Something medieval. Boiled alive in a vat oftar, or

I slam into someone’s chest as | push through the door to the garage, someone trying to come into the house just as I’m leavingit. | give a little shriek, pulled from my murderous thoughts and whipping my head up to see —

My frown deepens when | see who is standing before me.Jerome.“Fay!” he gasps, reaching out his hands to steady me after almost knocking me over. “Are you okay? What are you —”

“You're an asshole too!” | shout, pushing his hands off my shoulders and impulsively shoving him in the chest. He stumbles a fewsteps back, his face shocked.

“Wha- what?” he asks, his brows drawn together. “What did | —”Chapter 1492/4

“You know what you did,” | snap, advancing on him and pointing an accusing finger in his face. “You pretended to like me — youflirted with me, and this whole time you were sleeping with —”

“Fay!” Jerome hisses, looking around wildly and lunging forward to grab my arm. “Would you shut up?”

| press my lips shut, feeling suddenly guilty as | realize that in my rage | almost betrayed Daniel for the second time today.Jerome is right — in this house, you never know who is listening. Still, it doesn’t make him any less of a dick.

“Get off of me,” | demand, my teeth clenched as | shake his hand free. “And get me keys to one of the cars!”“What?” He asks, baffled.

“Do it!” | shout, completely loosing my cool and feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes, which | slam shut. | have to get outof here — | have to leave this horrible place, where I’m constantly tricked, and lied to, and insulted, and offered obscene amountsof

money to- to —

“Fay,” Jerome’s voice is gentle after a moment of hesitation and | open my eyes to look at him. Concern is written all over hisface. “I’m so sorry, Fay — please

| can’t help the tears that slide down my face then, and | feel all ofthe strength go out of me. “Please, Jerome,” | beg, shaking myhead. “Just get me the keys — | need to get out of here —”Chapter 149


He hesitates, glancing towards the door, but then he nods. “All right, Fay,” he agrees, perhaps feeling bad for wrapping me up inhis lies. “Just — don’t run away forever. He’ll find you. Just -take the Prius, and go somewhere and cool down.”

“Fine,” | mutter, brushing my hands across my cheeks to clear my tears. Jerome nods and goes over to the metal case where thekeys to all the cars are kept, unlocking it and handing met a set. “The purple one, in the corner,” he says gently. “Can you...canyou drive?”

“Yes of course | can drive,” | mumble,glaring at him again. God, why doeseveryone in this ho qiyeat moellikeIeee stuart | Gal away from him

ithout a backwards glance,climbing into the car at the end of therow and opening the garage doorwith the little The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

button on the roof.

When | get to the gates at the front ofKent's estate, they instantly begin toroll open for me. | grit m teeth as\|watch Kes apen the on to myebedpe angry because | know Kent isletting me go. It wouldn't be hard forhim to lock these gates, to preventme from leaving. But instead he’ssending me a subtle message. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

He's fine with it if | steal his car andleave without apotfir @bré: The

Vcentént!i Sh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

He knows I'll be back.Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father

Chapter 150

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