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Chapter 146

Chapter 146

“No,” Kent answers, interrupting my train of thought, his voice low and flat. “Too much damage has been done. Your relationshipis a laughing stock now. It’s dead.” He flicks his eyes to Daniel then. “I'll find you a new bride, soon. One a little moremanageable than

this one.”

| blush at this, looking down at my hands, feeling terribly guilty. |

had thought it was just a date with Ivan — a little freedom. | hadn’t realized how much | was ruining.

“Dad,” Daniel says, leaning forward in his chair, “this can’t be the end of it — | like Fay — she’s precisely the girl | want to marry —”

“It's done, Daniel,” Kent intones, dismissive, looking down at a thin document on his desk. “Forget it. Move on. I'll arrange foryour first date with an appropriate girl sometime this week.” Daniel apparently forgotten, Kent shoves the document in mydirection, looking directly at me.

“You're still an important person in this world, Fay,” he says cooly, and | feel myself surprised to hear him admit what I’ve longsuspected. That my relationship with the family means something to him. “I'd still like to have you formally tied to the Lippertfamily, to be known and understood as one of mine. Here is the offer I’d like to make you, in exchange for your allegiance.”novelbin

Chapter 1462/3

| hesitate, glancing at Daniel before reaching forward and taking the document off the desk. | page through it, not understandingmost of the legal wording there, until | get to the third page which


“Oh my god,” | stammer, my eyes going wide as | look up at Kentin disbelief. “Is this — is this for real?”

Slowly, Kent nods, studying me. “Yes, Fay. One million dollars

a year, and the purchase of your childhood home with the

deed immediately signed over to your adoptive father. Plus, thepurchase and gift of a beach house, in your name, so you can spend your spare time there with your dad, your sister. Anyoneyou choose. | don’t care which house — you can pick it.”

My jaw drops open to hear him confirm what | saw on the paper. |take a moment to digest this in silence, my eyes fixed on Kent, hison me.

“What — what do you want from me?” | ask quietly. “What do youwant me to do?”

“| want you to turn on your father.” he answers. “Quietly,

discreetly, so that | can wipe out his power in this world and take itfor myself. I'll direct your every move, don’t worry. But in particular,| want you to continue your relationship with Ivan, to convince himto leave Alden and ally with me instead.”

| blink in shock, staring up at his audacity. But, frankly, it's — it’s


Chapter 1463/3

“Fay,” Daniel protests, worried. “Don'tdo it — don't get invo veq incthis,\it’s

t dangerous ane h give you more,keep you safe -” The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Do you have a pen?” | interrupt, myeyes on Kent. Kent pulls a pen from acup on his desk andetefeé avidsst desktarie. Ba iél tries to grab it

first, but | swat his hand away,snagging the pen and hastily signingmy name to the bottom of the fourthpage. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


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Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Fath rahecontent omérendvel .com! Readthe idtest chapter there!


Chapter 147

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