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Chapter 137

Chapter 137

“No, Fay,” he says, bringing his face closer to mine as he smirks

at me. “I got the feeling that you...liked that. A little too much. So,

we'll have to find some different methods to teach you how to act in this family.”| gasp at this, shocked at the gall of him- but also, frankly, by the

fact that...well, that he’s right. | just didn’t know he knew.

Embarrassed, | push myself away from the door, moving to my right, working to get past him, away from him. “Bully,” | growl, myteeth clenched. “I’m engaged to your son, you don’t have any right to control my life —”

He puts his other arm up, blocking me as | try to get past him, and then his hand is suddenly against my chest, pushing me withforce back against the door. | feel the breath leave me as | look up

into his face, which glares furiously down into mine.“Do you think this has anything to do with Daniel anymore, Fay?” he snaps. “No, you ended that today, with your little date. Youbelong to me now, girl. | decide your fate from here on out.”

“Is that it, then?” | ask, cocking my head and staring daggers into his dark green eyes, which are lit now with that fire | know |kindle in him. “It has nothing to do with Daniel anymore? So what, Kent, are you just admitting that you’re jealous?”

Chapter 137


“Jealous?” he whispers, considering, as if turning the word overin his mouth, tasting it on his tongue. He brings his whole body

closer to mine, moving his hand away from my chest and instead back to the door on the other side of my head. He’s trappingme

now with his whole self, not touching me but pinning me to thewood none the less.“Do you honestly think I’m jealous of those little boys, Fay? Daniel, or even Ivan?” Kent continues, his face filling my vision

now, a smile turning up the corners of his lips. “That I’m jealous of the little stolen kisses, and the way he takes your hand, andthe

shivers he sends up your spine that make the hair on the back ofyour neck stand on end?”

I say nothing, staring up at him, the traitorous hairs on neckindeed standing to attention at his words, at the feel of his breathagainst my face. My breath comes quicker now, raising my chest,brushing it against Kent’s. He observes me, laughing a little to seethat me open my breath to get more air, that | fidget beneath theforce of him.

His laugh turns in me like a knife.

“Yes,” | snap, lifting my chin in defiance. “I do think you're jealous— | think you wish you were the one to —”

He snaps into action, then, quick as a fox, forcing a gasp from meas one arm wraps around my waist and another slides behind my

neck, his hand holding my head in place as he pulls me flush

Chapter 1373/3

against him, against every hardmuscle of hig body ytK?cdnteht isonFR Ove Romi Read the latestnovelbin

chapter there!

“Wish | were the one to do what Fay.”he demands, cr STK? Fe

cpntants $h NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

| cry out, but the noise is silence byhis mouth on ming stKedcontént isonER, novel dtom! Read the latestchapter there!


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Fall For My Ex’s Mafia Father1/3

Chapter 138

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