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Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Jerome drives casually down the country roads close to the stables, singing along with the old country music from the 50s and60s that’s playing on the radio. | smile, watching and listening to him. Who knew that a guy trying to work his way up in a mafiafamily could sing so well.

And knew so much Patsy Cline.

I shrug, looking out the window, enjoying the view when suddenlyJerome slams on the breaks.

“Shit,” he mutters as our car skids to a stop, beginning to fishtail alittle.

I gasp, grabbing on to the handle above my head and the center console to hold myself steady. My vision, of course, snapsdirectly

to the road, anxious to see what the hell is in our way.My eyes go wide with shock when | see it.A bright red Ferrari, situated sideways in the middle of the road, blocking any traffic that might come by on either side.

And leaning against it, his arms crossed casually in front of him, is a young man in a fashionable designer sweatsuit. With tattoosall the way up his neck.

Chapter 130


“Shit,” Jerome says again, scrambling for the glove box, popping it open and pulling out —

Oh my god, a gun.

“What!?” | ask, my eyes following it with shock. “Has that been there the whole time!?”

Jerome ignores me, flicking the safety off the gun and expertly ensuring that the clip is full of bullets.

“Stay still, Fay,” he murmurs, looking out of the windshield as Ivan stands up from his position leaning against the car, smirking atJerome in the front seat. Then, his eyes slide to mine, and he cocks his head to the side.

A question.

| glance back at Jerome, the loaded gun in his hand, and make an impulsive decision.

Before he can stop me, | pull the handle on my door and push it open, putting one foot out.

“Fay!” Jerome yells, grabbing for me, but I’m out of the car before he can get a grasp on me. “Get the fuck back in here!”“He’s not going to hurt me,” | say, bending down so that Jerome can hear me and see my face. “But you're definitely going to getChapter 130

shot if you go out there with a gun-”


“You're going to get kidnapped Fay!” Jerome exclaims, but | just

shut the door in his face, hoping he listens to me.

Then, | start to walk towards Ivan, who gives me a sly little smile.

He’s not going to kidnap me. If he wanted me kidnapped, he

wouldn't be putting on such a show. No, this is him wanting to

impress me.

“Would you mind?” | say, coming within about five feet of him. He

watched me as | came, his eyes sliding over me from head to foot.

“You're kind of blocking the road.”

“Am |?” lvan asks, glancing over his shoulder, feigning ignorance.

Then, he turns back to me and gives me his most charming smile. “My bad.”

| just raise an eyebrow at him.“Where are you off to?” he asks next, too casual.

“You know where I’m going, Ivan,” |say, shaking my head a little,unwilling to play. isgathe Cleatly, ifhe'siher) Ke basi that | would becoming to Kent's stables thismorning. And he knew precisely whattime I'd be here, and why | was going.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!


“You look cute,” he says, slidinghands into his, pagksts A fear Theopnients Sh NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

equestrian, in that getup. Can you ride?”Chapter 1304l4

“Barely,” | say, looking to my side atthe Pret fields-oy eslet hecentént!i $h NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

of the road. Really, though, | turned away because | didn’t wanthim to see the little smile on my face that came as a result of hiscompliment. “But | like my horse. He needs his exercise.”


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